
In: Nursing

Please write a contextual element, intervention , study of the intervention and measures for the topic...

Please write a contextual element, intervention , study of the intervention and measures for the topic Bedside Handoff.


Expert Solution

A nurse taking care of patient after her shift ends, she handover the reports or further responsibilities to another nurse so as to continue patient's care and safety this is called as bedside handoff.

During this process, nurse which comes in second shift observes the patient and asks some questions regarding further treatment and care plan to the nurse who was taken care of patient in her first shift.

The study of interventions in bedside handoff includes reports which have evaluations of patient's response to treatment, outcomes of patient, tests which are done and their results, drugs which are newly prescribed etc. In short transfer of information so as to achieve continuity of care and treatment. This handoff must be done with proper communication between nurses.

If this handoff lacks communication or it contains any kind of mistake it may be fetal to patient. So the measures to be taken to avoid this, nurse who is making handoff report must include each and every detail about treatment which is already given to the patient and further treatment plan. She must attach each and every reports of tests done in throughout day or night. The nurse who is receiving this handoff must ask some queries or questions if she has about patient and if she has any daubt regarding report must ask or communicate with other healthcare providers.

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