
In: Biology

12. Which of the following statements about nosocomial infections is FALSE? A. They can occur in...


Which of the following statements about nosocomial infections is FALSE?


They can occur in immunocompromised patients.


They can be caused by normal microbiota.


The patient was infected before hospitalization.


They are caused by opportunistic pathogens.


They are often caused by drug-resistant bacteria.


Table 15.1
Consider two patients. One is given ampicillin before surgery (wound + ampicillin); the other is not (wound).

Bacteria Portal of entry ID50

Staphylococcus aureus Wound <10
Staphylococcus aureus Wound+ampicillin 300

Refer to Table 15.1 to answer the following question. The administration of ampicillin before surgery


increases the risk of staphylococcal infection.


makes the patient more likely to die.


has no effect on risk of infection with S. aureus.


decreases the risk of staphylococcal infection.


cannot tell from the information given.


Which of the following is FALSE?


A spirochete's endoflagella are grouped into a structure called an axial filament.


The sugar molecules used to construct the peptidoglycan cell wall are lactose and fructose.


Bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae do not have cell walls


Fimbriae can function in biofilms to conduct electrical signals among cells.


Pili are structures involved in a process termed conjugation.


Choose the response indicating the correct order, with 1 being the structure farthest from the cell interior and 5 being the closest to the cell interior:


1. Fimbriae 2. Periplasmic space 3. Outer membrane 4. Plasma membrane 5. Peptidoglycan


1. Outer membrane 2. Periplasmic space 3. Plasma membrane 4. Flagella 5. Glycocalyx


1. Peptidoglycan   2. Outer membrane 3. Glycocalyx 4. Fimbriae 5. Plasma membrane


1. Flagella 2. Outer membrane 3. Plasma membrane 4. Peptidoglycan 5. Periplasmic space


None of the above is correct.


The glycocalyx of a bacterial cell


is considered to be a part of the cell wall.


is composed primarily of lipids.


is a structure found only in Gram-positive bacteria.


may be in the form of a capsule.


both B and C are true


Which of the following is TRUE of the plasma membrane of bacteria?


Plasma Membrane is another term for the Outer Membrane in Gram negative bacteria.


In bacteria, the plasma membrane is farther from the cytoplasm than the cell wall.


The plasma membrane of Gram positive bacteria contains teichoic acids.


Only Gram negative bacteria are capable of exocytosis.


None of the above is true.


Expert Solution

Q.1) nosocomial infection is an infection acquired in the hospital. So C option is wrong that is The patient was infected before hospitalization.

Option a: nosocomial infection can occur in immunocompromised patients so option a is true

Option b  nosocomial infection can be caused by normal microbiota. when a patient gets immunosuppressed these normal microbiota cause infection so option b is true

option d nosocomial infection are caused by opportunistic pathogens.that is true

Option e nosocomial infection is often caused by drug-resistant bacteria. option e is true

Q.2) option d decreases the risk of staphylococcal infection. ( in the table we can see the Bacteria Portal of entry ID50. ID is Infective Dose.which is 50 bacteria; Staphylococcus aureus and wound have ID less than 10 so patient without ampicillin is more susceptible to infection. Staphylococcus aureus with wound + ampicillin have ID 300 this patient is less susceptible as the id is 300 bacteria)

The other options are the wrong, option A  increases the risk of staphylococcal infection. ) it decreases the risk) option B makes the patient more likely to die (the wrong option it is helping in recovery) Option e cannot tell from the information given (we can conclude from given information).

Q.3) Option B The sugar molecules used to construct the peptidoglycan cell wall are lactose and fructose.(fructose is the only one sugar molecule used to construct the peptidoglycan) And Option D Fimbriae can function in biofilms to conduct electrical signals among cells(fimbriae only helps in attachment).Are false

All remaining are correct

Q.4)Option e None of the above is correct.( the correct sequence is Glycocalyx, Outer membrane, periplasmic space, Peptidoglycan, Plasma membrane, Flagella )

Q.5) Option C is true (The plasma membrane of Gram-positive bacteria contains teichoic acids)

all remaining options are wrong

Option A plasma membrane is not another name fro outer membrane

Option B Plasma membrane is closest to the cytoplasm

Option D all bacteria can perform exocytosis

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