
In: Nursing

Imagine that the local Chamber of Commerce where you live has learned that you are taking...

Imagine that the local Chamber of Commerce where you live has learned that you are taking this course. They have asked you to come and be a guest lecturer about health system reform; specifically they are very curious about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010.

For this assignment, create a 9 – 12 slide PowerPoint solely related to healthcare reform. Be sure to focus on the PPACA. Use the notes section of the PowerPoint as needed.


Expert Solution

Affordable Care Act:

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare also known as a Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and it was effected by March-23-2010 and other important provisions phased by january 2014. The PPACA has changed health care because it shows the significant regulatory overhaul of the healthcare system of U.S.A since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. The Affordable Care Act’s main focus is on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance, improving the quality of health care and health insurance, regulating the health insurance industry, and reducing health care spending in the US.

After the passing of the PPACA health care in America changed into below ways:

1. Health insurance quality improves, so Americans now have to purchase health insurance.

2. Affordability increased.

3. More than 16 million Americans who lacked health insurance now have it.

4. Lower the uninsured rate by expanding insurance coverage

5. Medicaid expanded in only about half the country

6. Reduce the costs of healthcare.

The Affordable Care Act does lots of important services including:

Offering Americans a number of new benefits, rights, and protections in regards to their healthcare

Setting up a Health Insurance Marketplace where Americans can purchase federally regulated and subsidized Health Insurance during open enrollment.

Expanding Medicaid to all adults in many states.

Improving Medicare for seniors and those with long-term disabilities.

Expanding employer coverage to millions of employees.

Requiring most people to have coverage each month from 2014 in order to get an exemption, or pay a fee.

And introducing new taxes and tax breaks, among other provisions.

Benefits of the Affordable Care Act for Americans :

Improving Quality and Lowering Health Care Costs:Free preventive care,Prescription discounts for seniors,Protection against health care fraud, Small Business Tax Credits

New Consumer Protections: Pre-existing conditions,Consumer Assistance,Access to Health Care ,Health Insurance Marketplace.

Benefits for Women: Providing insurance option,Covering preventive services, Lowering costs

Young Adult Coverage: Coverage available to children up to age 26

Strengthening Medicare:Yearly Wellness Visit, Many Free Preventive Services for some seniors with Medicare

Holding Insurance Companies Accountable,Insurers must justify any premium increase of 10% or more before the rate takes effect

The law like before was Medicare and Medicaid. The Medicaid is a supporting programs which cover those families or individual who have no income. On the other hand a Medicare is an insurance program which cover seniour citizens ages 65,disabled people who qualify for some socialsecurity.
More Features of the Affordable Care Act.

Whitman, E. Obamacare Anniversary: 5 Ways the Affordable Care Act Changed Healthcare.
International Business Times. 2015

Power point presentation

Slide 1: Affordable Care Act Overview

Slide 2: ACA Background

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, or PPACA – signed March 23, 2010.

Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of2010, or HCERA – signed March 30, 2010.

PPACA + HCERA = Affordable Care Act, or ACA.

Slide 3:

Affordable Care act was presented by President Obama March 21, 2010.

It was upheld by the Supreme Court on June 28, 2012.

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law March 23, 2010.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is shortly known as “Obamacare”.

Slide 4: ACA Goals

Reduce the number of uninsured Americans by:

Requiring employers to provide coverage (preferential tax treatment)

Requiring Americans to have coverage or be penalized (individual mandate)

Creating credits and subsidies if employer does not offer coverage

Expanding Medicaid by widening eligibility requirements

Slide 5: ACA Goals

Reduce the number of uninsured Americans by:

Providing offsets to fund the law (taxes and Medicare cuts/changes)

Providing offsets to fund the law (taxes and Medicare cuts/changes)

Slide 6: The 4 Major Issues with ACA

A. Anti-Injunction Act (AIA):

Lawsuits over taxes cannot be heard before tax is assessed.

Is the fine for no coverage a penalty or a tax?

B. Individual Mandate:

Constitution delineates clear powers to federal and state government.

Under the Constitution, does Congress have the power to force Americans to buy coverage under threat of penalty?

Slide 7: The 4 Major Issues with ACA

A. Medicaid Expansion

ACA extends coverage through expansions in Medicaid. Is required state Medicaid expansion unduly coercive / violates federalism?

B. Severability

Many ACA provisions are dependent upon Individual Mandate and Medicaid Expansion

If found unconstitutional, what of ACA can remain as severable?

Slide 8: Pros of Obamacare

Reduce the prescription drug coverage gap

Expand Medicaid coverage to more low income Americans

Prohibit insurance companies from dropping people from coverage

Ensure access to health insurance and protect

Helps create state based health insurance, provide subsidized coverage, more affordable, increase number of younger adults under the age of 26 who are dependently covered u

Slide 9: Cons of Obamacare

This could raise drug costs, and make prescriptions more limited

Many physicians are considering leaving because of this

The law will allow the government more control over how doctors practice medicine

New and higher taxes

Slide 10: Source And-Cons.htm uSources of Information

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