
In: Nursing

Ebony is an independent 86-year-old female who has been admitted to the hospital for dizziness and...

Ebony is an independent 86-year-old female who has been admitted to the hospital for dizziness and syncopal episodes that have resulted in falls at home. She has not sustained any injury from her falls. She is being evaluated for a cardiac cause to her syncopal episode. She has a history of diabetes mellitus that is diet controlled. She has no other significant medical or surgical history. She started using a cane to walk due to dizziness and syncope. Ebony is alert and oriented with a normal gait. Intravenous fluids are infusing. Nursing staff oriented her to the use of the call bell and educated her to ring when she wanted to get out of bed. Non-skid slipper socks were put in her bedside stand to use when she got out of bed. Ebony rang the bell during the night to ask for assistance to use the toilet. She waited for ten minutes but there was no response so she decided she would go to the bathroom on her own. When the staff responded, Ebony was found on the floor, bleeding from her head.

Use a validated tool to include all information in the post-fall huddle-

  • Identify yourself and your role as well as the other members of the team who are expected to be present for the post-fall huddle-
  • You need to include the patient’s fall risk by using the Morse Fall Scale?


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