
In: Accounting

Provide detailed scenarios (these can be case studies, articles, or any published accounting scenario within the...

Provide detailed scenarios (these can be case studies, articles, or any published accounting scenario within the last 5 years) in which GAAP and IFRS would handle the situation differently.

Provides at least two scenarios published within the last 5 years and a concise, detailed summary of how each of the situations would have been handled under the GAAP principles and how the same scenario would have been handled under the IFRS principles


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Key differences between US GAAP and IFRS in relation to Inventories are :

Under U.S. GAAP, ASC 330-10 is the primary source of guid­ance on ac­count­ing for in­ven­to­ries.

Under IFRSs, IAS 2, In­ven­to­ries, is the primary source of guid­ance on ac­count­ing for in­ven­to­ries.

Both U.S. GAAP and IFRSs define in­ven­to­ries as assets that are (1) held for sale in the or­di­nary course of busi­ness, (2) used in the process of pro­duc­tion for sale, or (3) ma­te­ri­als or sup­plies to be con­sumed in the pro­duc­tion of in­ven­tory or in the ren­der­ing of ser­vices.1 The cost of in­ven­tory under both U.S. GAAP and IFRSs gen­er­ally in­cludes direct ex­pen­di­tures of getting in­ven­to­ries ready for sale, in­clud­ing over­head and other costs at­trib­ut­able to the pur­chase or pro­duc­tion of in­ven­tory.

IAS 2 in­cludes spe­cific scope ex­cep­tions for (1) in­ven­to­ries held by pro­duc­ers of agri­cul­tural and forest prod­ucts, agri­cul­tural produce after harvest, and min­er­als and mineral prod­ucts, to the extent that they are mea­sured at net re­al­iz­able value in ac­cor­dance with well-es­tab­lished prac­tices in those in­dus­tries, and (2) in­ven­to­ries of com­mod­ity bro­ker-traders who measure their in­ven­to­ries at fair value less cost to sell. Under U.S. GAAP, similar guid­ance is pro­vided in (1) ASC 905-330, which allows for mea­sure­ment of in­ven­to­ries at net re­al­iz­able value in certain cir­cum­stances in the agri­cul­tural in­dus­try; and (2) ASC 940-320-30-2 and ASC 946-10-15-2, which allow for mea­sure­ment of certain in­ven­to­ries at fair market value in the fi­nan­cial ser­vices in­dus­try.

The information below sum­ma­rizes these dif­fer­ences and is fol­lowed by a de­tailed ex­pla­na­tion of each dif­fer­ence.2

Mea­sure­ment of car­ry­ing value

GAAP : Lower of cost or market.

IFRS : Lower of cost or net re­al­iz­able value.

Costing formula

GAAP : The same formula used to de­ter­mine the cost of in­ven­tory does not need to be applied to all in­ven­to­ries that have a similar nature and use to the entity.

IFRS : The same formula used to de­ter­mine the cost of in­ven­tory must be applied to all in­ven­to­ries that have a similar nature and use to the entity.

Asset re­tire­ment oblig­a­tions (AROs)

GAAP : An ARO that is created during the pro­duc­tion of in­ven­tory is added to the car­ry­ing amount of the prop­erty, plant, and equip­ment used to produce the in­ven­tory.

IFRS : An ARO that is created during the pro­duc­tion of in­ven­tory is ac­counted for as a cost of the in­ven­tory in ac­cor­dance with IAS 2 and may be added to the car­ry­ing amount of the in­ven­tory.

Ac­count­ing methods

GAAP : First-in, first-out (FIFO); last-in, first-out (LIFO); weighted-av­er­age cost; and spe­cific iden­ti­fi­ca­tion are ac­cept­able ac­count­ing methods for de­ter­min­ing cost of in­ven­tory.

IFRS : FIFO and weighted-av­er­age cost are ac­cept­able ac­count­ing methods for de­ter­min­ing cost of in­ven­tory; LIFO is not per­mit­ted. The spe­cific iden­ti­fi­ca­tion method is re­quired for in­ven­tory items that are not or­di­nar­ily in­ter­change­able and for goods or ser­vices pro­duced and seg­re­gated for spe­cific pro­jects.

Re­ver­sal of write-downs

GAAP: Write-downs taken to reduce in­ven­to­ries to the lower of cost or market may not be re­versed for sub­se­quent in­creases in value.

IFRS : Write-downs taken to reduce in­ven­to­ries to the lower of cost or net re­al­iz­able value are re­versed for sub­se­quent in­creases in value.

Mea­sure­ment of Car­ry­ing Value

Al­though a lower-of-cost-or-mar­ket ap­proach is used under U.S.GAAP to de­ter­mine the car­ry­ing value of in­ven­tory, under IFRSs a lower-of-cost-or-net-re­al­iz­able-value ap­proach is used.

Under U.S. GAAP, the term market, as defined in ASC 330-10-20, states that "market" gen­er­ally means current re­place­ment cost, except that this re­place­ment cost should not (1) exceed net re­al­iz­able value or (2) be lower than net re­al­iz­able value less a normal profit margin.

Sim­i­larly to U.S. GAAP, IFRSs define net re­al­iz­able value as es­ti­mated selling price less es­ti­mated costs of com­ple­tion and sale.

Example 1

Car­ry­ing value $ 100

Re­place­ment cost 90

Net re­al­iz­able value 95

Net re­al­iz­able value less normal profit margin 80

In­ven­tory would be recorded at $90 under U.S. GAAP and at $95 under IFRSs.

Example 2

Car­ry­ing value $ 100

Re­place­ment cost 90

Net re­al­iz­able value 105

Net re­al­iz­able value less normal profit margin 95

In­ven­tory would be recorded at $95 under U.S. GAAP and at $100 under IFRSs (i.e., no write-down is re­quired).

The other scenario considered for differences is regarding Intangibles.

An image has been attached regarding the same.pfa

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