
In: Economics

Here is some sample of data: x y sex 1.37 55.29 0 1.94 57.26 0 3.44...

  1. Here is some sample of data:



















Y and X are continuous variables while Sex is a categorical variable where 0-male and 1-female.

  1. Turn variable Sex into a binary variable male.(Make a new column, and appropriately recode the variable)
  2. What is direction of relationship between y and variable male? Answer this question without any calculations.
  3. Write down a population model that looks at the relationship between y and male.
  4. Estimate coefficients and interpret coefficients.
  5. Standard errors associated with the intercept and slope are 3.61 and 5.71, respectively. Calculate 99% CI for both intercept and slop Test whether the coefficient on variable male is equal to 10.

f.Write down estimate regression and calculate R-squared


Expert Solution

The objective of the following analysis is to estimate the regression model between variable y and variable male.

a. On turning the variable Sex into a binary variable male, the result is:

x y sex male
1.37 55.29 0 1
1.94 57.26 0 1
3.44 66.92 1 0
3.59 69.05 0 1
4.18 70.63 1 0

b. The direction of relationship between variable y and variable male is negative. The extreme higher value of Y and its relationship with variable male dominate the direction of relationship.

c. The population model that looks into the relationship between y and male is:

y = b1 + b2*male +u

d. On estimating the OLS regression between y and male in excel, the result is:

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.639784995
R Square 0.40932484
Adjusted R Square 0.21243312
Standard Error 6.261600346
Observations 5
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 81.51008333 81.51008333 2.07893374 0.24501494
Residual 3 117.6229167 39.20763889
Total 4 199.133
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept 68.775 4.427620066 15.53317561 0.000579759 54.68433688 82.86566312 42.91367274 94.63632726
male -8.241666667 5.716032926 -1.441850803 0.24501494 -26.43263453 9.949301199 -41.6284966 25.14516326

Thus, the intercept coefficient is 68.775 and the slope coefficient is -8.241666667

The intercept coefficient shows that expected value of y is 68.775 when there is a female.

The slope coefficient shows that expected value of y is 8.241666667 lower when there is male vis-a-vis when there is female

e. The standard error of the intercept is 3.61 , whereas, the standard error of slope-coefficient is 5.71

It shall be noted that for intercept coefficient, the standard error is 4.42762006 instead of 3.61

The 99% confidence interval for intercept coefficient as obtained in excel is 42.91367274 (Lower Confidence Limit) and 94.63632726 (Upper Confidence Limit)

The 99% confidence interval for slope coefficient as obtained in excel is -41.6284966 (Lower Confidence Limit) and 25.14516326 (Upper Confidence Limit)

It shall be noted that coefficient on male variable is the slope coefficient and it shows that 10 lies between -41.6284 and 25.14516326, thereby indicating that the coefficient on variable male is not statistically different from 10

f. The estimated regression model is:

y_estimated = 68.775 - 8.241666667*male

The R-Squared is 0.40932484

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