
In: Economics

What are critical reasons citizens are against the DACA program?

What are critical reasons citizens are against the DACA program?


Expert Solution

There are three main reasons behind the opposition of DACA among the public which are stated as below:-

1:- Amnesty Will Cost Americans Hundreds of Billions of Dollars

More than younger illegals were covered by the Former President Barack Obama’s DACA amnesty and there are more than million young individuals who can claim the status of DACA as they grow older or return to school to get a High School qualification. If their illegal parents are also included and then the number could soar to millions of people including illegal-immigrant parents, and the number of people who gain from a formal DACA amnesty. As more than 2.5 million people will gain citizens, it will cost millions and billions of dollars to the American government which ultimately has to be paid by common American

2:- Amnesty Will Push the GOP Towards Extinction

If any kind of amnesty is given to younger illegals then it will hamper the GOP’s support among millions of common Americans who supported Trump in the election of 2016 as he gave a promise that he would reform this scheme and which will be beneficial for Americans rather than illegal immigrants. The damage would be greater if the GOP also failed to push through other GOP priorities, such as a reform of the failing Obamacare government-run medical system.

3:- Amnesty Without Reform Means More Illegals

In the opinion of many experts, if DACA amnesty is extended any further then it can cause another wave of illegal immigration and it will be more beneficial for the illegal-immigrant parents who brought their young children across the border.

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