In: Math
A train departs at 5 am from Patna and arrives Bhopal at 9 am second train departs at 6:30 am from Bhopal and arrives at 10:00 am at Patna . Both train meet at what time ?
Let the distance between Patna and Bhopal be 100 km
Train A leaves Patna at 5am and reaches Bhopal at 9 am running at 100/4=25 kmph.
Train B leaves Bhopal at 6:30 am and reaches Patna at 10 am running at 100/3.5=28.57 kmph.
Train A runs 1:30 hrs before train B starts covering a distance of 37.5 km.
After 1 hour at 7:30 am both the train A and B cover a distance of 37.5+25+28.57=91.07 km leaving a distance of 8.93 km
This 8.93 km distance be covered by the combained speed of 53.57 kmph in 8.93/53.57=0.166 hrs or 10 minutes time at 7.30+0:10=7:40 am.
So at 7:40 am they will meet.
at 7:40 am they will meet.