
In: Nursing

As adolescents are among the fastest-growing segments of the population testing HIV-positive, should condoms be made...

As adolescents are among the fastest-growing segments of the population testing HIV-positive, should condoms be made available to high school students to curb HIV transmission? What are the pros and cons? (200 words or more)


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Pros and Cons of Condom availability in High schools :

Adolescence is the transitional period of physical and psychological development between childhood and Maturity . During this period adolescents undergoes many complex changes in body and mind, some of which are difficult to deal with. This period is also a period of experiments or 'first tries' ( first sip, first puff, first sex etc). So this group is a vulnerable group to develop more prone to problems related to  physical and mental health.  

Many study reports show that the number of adolescents , testing HIV positive( Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is increasing day by day. HIV related death decreased considerably among population group but not in adolescent group. A statistical report shows that in 2016 alone 260,000 HIV positive cases are reported in adolescents between the age of 15 to 19 years.

Due to the increased rate of STI ( Sexually transmitted Infections) in adolescent groups , many countries started a Condom availability programmes ( CAP) in high schools. Many adolescents are having multiple partners and are not using any protection or condom while engaging in sexual activity. This increases their risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Condom distribution among high school students to reduce HIV infections is still a debate issue.

Pros and Cons of Condom distribution ( availability) in High schools :


* It reduces the risk of teenage pregnancy

* It reduces the spread of HIV and other STIs:

Condoms are effective in preventing the spread of STIs and teenage pregnancy.

* It makes teens to be aware of their sexual identity and makes them sexually responsible:

As adolescence is the stage of discovering the sexual identities , Sex education , Condom distribution along with awareness programmes makes the teenagers to be responsible for safe sexual behaviour.

Cons :

* Condom distribution may send mixed messages and it may legitimise sexual activities in teen age.

Many argue that , by providing Condoms to teens , Government or authorities are legitimizing the sexual activity in teens and the teens might consider the sexual activities are very normal for teenage.

* It affects the moral and religious values: Many orthodox parents, families and teachers find the Condom distribution as an insult. This may encourage teens to begin open discussion on sex in home , that will be too discomfort for such parents. Religious values are opposed to any extra marital sexual relationships.

* Condoms are not 100% secure. If the use is not proper, then the failure rate may more. Adolescents may not be perfect in using the protective things like condom.

      Condoms should be made available to the high school students . American Academy of Paediatrics also encouraging this distribution of Condoms in High schools. Otherwise they may be hesitant to go buy this from shops during an instance.  But along with the distribution, safe sex education and encourage them for abstinence from all type of sexual and other riskfull activities. Frequent awareness programmes on Sexually transmitted Infections and teenage pregnancy may help the teens to get motivated to abstain from sexual activities or to use the condoms .

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