
In: Statistics and Probability

In 2007, the United States experienced the biggest jump in food prices in 17 years (The...

In 2007, the United States experienced the biggest jump in food prices in 17 years (The Wallstreet Journal, April 1, 2008). A variety of reasons led to this result, including rising demand for meat and dairy products in emerging overseas markets, increased used of grains for alternative fuels, and bad weather in some parts of the world. A survey compared prices in $ of selected products at grocery stores in the Boston area. The dataset is available under: Files -> Dataset -> Mini-case 2 -> Mini2_Grocery In a report, use the sample information to: Determine whether differences exist in the average prices of products sold at the three stores at the 5% significance level Determine whether differences exist in the average prices of the 11 products at the 5% significance level Determine which stores’ prices differ using Fisher’s Least Significant Difference Method, if it is found that differences exist in the average prices among these stores. Use a 5% significance level.

Item Crosby’s Shaw’s Market Basket
Two-liter Coke 1.89 1.59 1.50
Doritos Chips 4.29 4.99 3.80
Cheerios cereal 3.69 3.99 3.00
Prince spaghetti 0.89 1.69 1.19
Skippy peanut butter 5.49 4.49 3.99
Cracker Barrel cheese 4.99 5.99 4.49
Pepperidge Farm white bread 3.99 5.99 3.99
Oreo cookies 4.69 3.39 3.00
One dozen eggs* 1.49 2.49 1.59
Coffee* 4.49 4.79 3.99
Gallon of milk* 3.99 3.19 3.49


Expert Solution

Determine whether differences exist in the average prices of products sold at the three stores at the 5% significance level

The hypothesis being tested is:

H0: There is no difference in the average prices of products sold at the three stores

Ha: There is a difference in the average prices of products sold at the three stores

Mean n Std. Dev
3.626 11 1.5161 Crosby’s
3.872 11 1.5504 Shaw’s
3.094 11 1.1601 Market Basket
3.531 33 1.4138 Total
ANOVA table
Source SS    df MS F    p-value
Treatment 3.4819 2 1.74096 0.86 .4319
Error 60.4801 30 2.01600
Total 63.9620 32

The p-value is 0.4319.

Since the p-value (0.4319) is greater than the significance level (0.05), we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, we cannot conclude that there is a difference in the average prices of products sold at the three stores.

Determine whether differences exist in the average prices of the 11 products at the 5% significance level

The hypothesis being tested is:

H0: There is no difference in the average prices of the 11 products

Ha: There is a difference in the average prices of the 11 products

Mean n Std. Dev
1.660 3 0.2042 Two-liter Coke
4.360 3 0.5981 Doritos Chips
3.560 3 0.5076 Cheerios cereal
1.257 3 0.4041 Prince spaghetti
4.657 3 0.7638 Skippy peanut butter
5.157 3 0.7638 Cracker Barrel cheese
4.657 3 1.1547 Pepperidge Farm white bread
3.693 3 0.8849 Oreo cookies
1.857 3 0.5508 One dozen eggs*
4.423 3 0.4041 Coffee*
3.557 3 0.4041 Gallon of milk*
3.531 33 1.4138 Total
ANOVA table
Source SS    df MS F    p-value
Treatment 54.4951 10 5.44951 12.66 5.69E-07
Error 9.4669 22 0.43032
Total 63.9620 32

The p-value is 0.0000.

Since the p-value (0.0000) is less than the significance level (0.05), we can reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, we can conclude that there is a difference in the average prices of the 11 products.

Determine which stores’ prices differ using Fisher’s Least Significant Difference Method, if it is found that differences exist in the average prices among these stores. Use a 5% significance level.

Using the Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence

Factor N Mean Grouping
Cracker Barrel cheese 3 5.157 A
Pepperidge Farm white bread 3 4.657 A B
Skippy peanut butter 3 4.657 A B
Coffee* 3 4.423 A B
Doritos Chips 3 4.360 A B
Oreo cookies 3 3.693 B
Cheerios cereal 3 3.560 B
Gallon of milk* 3 3.557 B
One dozen eggs* 3 1.857 C
Two-liter Coke 3 1.660 C
Prince spaghetti 3 1.257 C

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

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