
In: Chemistry

River water between Back Falls and Angel Falls contains 0.0769 mg Al3+ per L and has...

River water between Back Falls and Angel Falls contains 0.0769 mg Al3+ per L and has a pH of 8.20. Total carbonates are 0.005 mol L-1 .

(a) [5 marks] Calculate the concentrations of HCO3 - (aq) and CO3 2- (aq) (in mol L-1 ). For H2CO3(aq), the hydrolysis constants are Ka1 = 4.45 × 10-7 and Ka1 = 4.69 × 10-11

(b) [5 marks] Calculate the alkalinity


Expert Solution

The alkalinity is a water characteristics that quantifies the capacity of water to accept hydrogen ion (H+). Alkalinity of natural water is mainly due to the presence of two forms of the carbonate ions that acts as a buffer system. Alkalinity is a sum of ion concentrations

Alkalinity = (Hco3-)+ 2*(co3(-2))+(OH-)-(H+)

since HCO3- and CO3(-2) carbonate ions exits in equilibrium , their fractions depends on PH of the solutions . PH is the way to express the concentration of H+ such sa PH = -log 10 (H+)

K1 and K2 are the known constants that describe equilibria of carbonate ions

K1 = 4045*10-7 , K2 = 4.69*10-11

(HCO3(-)) = (4.45*10-7* 1*10-9)/((1*10-9*1*10-9)+4.45*10-7*10*10-9+(4.45*10-7*4.69*10-11))

= 4.45*10-16/(1*10-18+4.45*10-16+2.087*10-7)


= 0.953

(CO3(-2) = (4.45*10-7*4.469*10-11)/(1*10-9*1*10-9*)+(4.45*10-7*1*10-9)+(4.45*10-7*4.469*10-11)

= 2.087*10-17/4.669*10-16

= 0.045

(HCO3)= 0.0953*0.10.1m



   = 0.0045m

(ALkalinity =( HCO3-)+2(CO3(-2))+(OH-)

ALkalinity = 0.0953+2*0.0045*0.00001

= 0.1043(eq/L)

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