
In: Physics

(a) One of the first "pure" Bose Einstein condensates was created with a low density (1020...

(a) One of the first "pure" Bose Einstein condensates was created with a low density (1020 molecules per cubic meter) gas of lithium with an atomic mass of 7.02 u. What is the critical temperature for the transition to a Bose Einstein condensate for lithium? Assume the spin for the atom is 1. The temperatures actually achieved in these experiments were below 100 nK. What fraction of the lithium molecules are in the Bose Einstein Condensate phase at 100 nK?

________K, critical temperature

______ fratction of atoms in BEC phase

(b) A spectral line of wavelength 382 nm is known to split into three lines in the presence of strong magnetic fields due to the Zeeman effect. In a magnetic field of 4 T, what is the minimum resolution needed on a spectrometer to observe the splitting of this spectral line?

_______ nm

(c) What are the energy and wavelength of photons emitted in a J=3 to J=2 transition in the rotational spectrum of an O2 molecule? The bond length is 0.121 nm. Give your answer in millielectron volts (meV) and in millimeters (mm).

_____ meV



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