
In: Nursing

Please choose a Gastrointestinal Medication and discuss its implications and potential interactions. What would you teach...

Please choose a Gastrointestinal Medication and discuss its implications and potential interactions. What would you teach a patient about your chosen drug? Place the name of your chosen medication in your header of your response. You may not choose a medication that another student has already written about in the threads.


Expert Solution

Metaclopramide is a drug that is used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, it occurs when acid flows up from your stomach and causes heartburn.This drug is used to treat diabetic gastroparesis.This drug belongs to class prokinetics and antiemetics.Metaclopramide works on emptying the stomach causing stomach muscle contractions.This helps in movement of food through the stomach and the intestines.

Metaclopramide is a substituted benzamide derivative with a chemical structure similar to procainamide but without any anti-arrhythmic effects.First of all i would like to explain the patient that this drug will be available as a oral tablet and also as a solution which can be injectable.I would like to explain how the tablet works and helps in relieving the heart burn,when the tablet should be taken,and also the drug interactions with any food and other medications especially vitamins and herbs.

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