In: Economics
. Heckscher-Ohlin Model A. Assumptions of the model B. Factor abundance and the shape of the PPF C. Factor abundance and the pattern of trade D. Graphical representation of effect of trade on Production and consumption E. Effect of trade on labor demand and factor prices F. The Leontieff paradox
Assumption of the H-O model are:
B. H-O explain richness in the factor endowment in terms of
factor prices.According to their defination,if capital is
relatively cheap in country A the country is abundant in capital
and if labour is relatively cheap in country B the country is
abundant in lanourthus country A will produce and export the
capital intensive good and import labour intensive good and vice
F. Leontieff paradox: Is the first empherical test of H-O model.He reached a paradoxical conclusion that the US-the most capital abundant country in the world by any criterion exported labour intensive commodities and imported capital intensive commodities.This result has come to be known as Leontief Paradox.