Solution :
Current Ratio
- Current Ratio = Current Asset / Current Liability. This ratio
is liquidity ratio and it tells that whether the company has enough
current assets to cover current liability. Generally, a company
seeks to have this ratio more than 1
- If this ratio is lower than industry average then it means that
company has lower current assets Vs current liability as compared
to industry and company may face liquidity issue more as compared
to other companies. The opposite is true when the company has a
higher ratio than the industry
Quick Ratio
- Quick ratio = (Cash + Marketable Securities + Accounts
Receivable) / Current Liabilities. This ratio is similar to current
ratio but inventory has been reduced from current assets. This
ratio says whether enough current assets other than inventory is
available to cover current liability
- Lower ratio than the industry average means poor liquidity and
higher ratio means better liquidity.
Gross Profit Margin
- Gross Profit Margin = (Sales -COGS ) / Sales. This ratio talks
about how much percentage of sales is generated as gross
- If a company has a lower margin than industry then it means
that they have higher Cost of goods sold which is not a good sign.
If they have higher margin then it indicates that they have lower
COGS and company generally seeks to have lower COGS
COGS ( Cost of goods sold ) % Sales
- This ratio is = COGS / Sales
- As explained earlier if the company has lower COGS% than
industry then it means that they have lower cost then industry and
it desirable and the opposite is true in case of higher COGS
NP % Sales or Net profit margin
- This ratio = Net profit / Sales . Net profit is the final
profit after taking care of all the expenses
- Higher margin than industry means overall cost is low as
compared to industry and lower margin means higher cost
Return on Asset
- ROA = net profit / Asset . This value talks about the profit
generated per assets
- Higher value means this company is generating more net profit
per assets as compared to the industry
- A lower value means this company is generating less net profit
per assets as compared to the industry
Return on net worth or Equity
- ROE = net profit / Equity. This value talks about the profit
generated per equity
- Higher value means this company is generating more net profit
per equity as compared to the industry
- A lower value means this company is generating less net profit
per equity as compared to the industry
SAE % Sales:
- Sales to Administrative expense: = Administrative expense /
Sales. These expenses are the indirect expense and come after
- A higher value is not good as it indicates a higher cost
- A lower value is good as the cost is lower and profit will be
Inv. Turn. :
- Inventory turnover = COGS / Average Inventory
- Higher value than the industry is good as it shows how many
times inventory is replenished
- A lower value means inventory is stuck for a longer time
Inv. Days O/S:
- Inventory days O/S = 365 / inventory turnover
- Highe value is bad as it says invenory is stuck for longer
- Lower value is good as inventory remains for shorter
A/R Turn:
- Account receivable turnover = Sales / Average Account
- Higher value than the industry is good as it shows company has
lower recievable and sales are made on cash mostly
- A lower value means higher sales on credit
AR Coll:
- A/R days = 365 / A/R turnover
- Higher value means A/R is collected after long days and it is
not good
- Lower Days is good as credit is received in a shorter
FA Turnover FAX:
- FA Turnover = Sales / Fixed Asset
- Higher value means higher sales per fixed asset and assets are
being utilized efficiently
- Lower value means less utilisation of fixed assets
TA Turnover TAX
- FA Turnover = Sales / Total Asset
- Higher value means higher sales per Total asset and assets are
being utilized efficiently
- Lower value means less utilisation of Total assets