In: Nursing
A client is 36 weeks’ gestation. The doctor has ordered a non-stress test to be performed. Her obstetrician provided her with no information about the test. The client is anxious and concerned about the test. How will you explain the test to her? Draw and label a reactive and draw a non-reactive NST strip.
The nurse can explain the test briefly as follows
The nonstress test is a simple, noninvasive way of checking on your baby's health. The test records your baby's movement, heartbeat, and contractions. It notes changes in heart rhythm when your baby goes from resting to moving, or during contractions if you're in labor.This test is performed by wraped your abdomen with a strap which is connected to its machine.The record will be graphical. The procedure will not cause any pain or discomfort for you. You have to press a button when you feel baby's kicks.