In: Economics
DOE’s latest schedules for nuclear waste shipments and projected
costs under the existing program provide a baseline for analyzing
Yucca Mountain alternatives. Although the planned opening of the
Yucca Mountain repository is at least 22 years later than NWPA’s
1998 deadline, and removing waste from existing storage sites would
require many decades, a major redirection of the waste program
would probably involve even longer time frames. Of course, there is
no certainty that DOE will be able to meet its current schedules,
or that the Yucca Mountain repository will receive a license from
NRC under the current program. Moreover, policymakers could
conclude that the benefits of redirecting the nuclear waste program
now would outweigh the almost certain delays in developing a
permanent repository and the increased costs of interim
The Yucca Mountain repository is now in the final stages of the
lengthy approval process established by NWPA. Therefore, if the
Obama Administration does “not believe that Yucca Mountain is a
suitable site,” what options are available at this point to stop
the project?
NWPA sections 113-116 prescribed the following actions by the
Secretary of Energy, the President, and the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission toward developing a nuclear waste repository at the
Yucca Mountain site:
• The Secretary were to determine whether the site is suitable for
a repository, and, if so, notify the State of Nevada and recommend
that the President approve the project.
• If the President agreed with the Secretary’s recommendation, the
President were to submit an approval recommendation to
• After the presidential recommendation, the Nevada Legislature or
Governor were allowed to submit a notice of disapproval to
• State disapproval would block the repository unless Congress
voted within 90 days for an approval resolution that was signed by
the President.
• Once the presidential site designation took effect, the Secretary
were required to submit a repository license application to