In: Finance
(Derivatives & Risk Management - Black-Sholes Option Pricing Model)
1. Discuss what is represented by the first and second terms of the B-S model. This should include the individual components of each term, what it represents, how it relates to the other terms, and how the two terms jointly reflect the equilibrium value of a call option.
2. Why is the variable ????? important in the B-S model? How does ????? relate to the expected range of values for the underlying (in both a qualitative and quantitative sense)
3. The instantaneous volatility of the B-S model: historical vs. implied
4. Explain how the delta (i.e., the N(d1) variable) can be used to estimate a hedge ratio and create a hedge position as part of a replicating portfolio. (Note that this refers to the B-S option pricing model.)
-The replicating portfolio should be approximately delta neutral (i.e., the delta should be close to zero), but the value of the position changes as the price of the underlying moves away from the strike price. Explain why this is so, and discuss whether this has implications for options pricing models.
The Black-Scholes Model (also called Black-Scholes-Merton) is a widely used model for option pricing. It is used to calculate the theoretical value of European style options using current stock prices, expected dividends, the option's strike price, expected interest rates, time to expiration and expected volatility.
The Black-Scholes model makes certain assumptions:
The model is essentially divided into two parts:
Rewrite the Black-Scholes formula as
In an options trade, both sides of the transaction make a bet on the volatility of the underlying security. While there are several methods for measuring volatility, options traders generally work with two metrics: Historical volatility measures past trading ranges of underlying securities and indexes, while implied volatility gauges expectations for future volatility, which are expressed in options premiums. The combination of these metrics has a direct influence on options' prices, specifically the component of premiums referred to as time value, which often fluctuates with the degree of volatility. Periods when these measurements indicate high volatility tend to benefit options sellers, while low volatility readings benefit buyers.
The shortcomings of the Black-Scholes method have led some to place more importance on historical volatility as opposed to implied volatility. However, using historical volatility also has some drawbacks. Volatility shifts as markets go through different regimes. Thus, historical volatility may not be an accurate measure of future volatility.
Historical Volatility : Historical volatility is the realized volatility of the underlying asset over a previous time period. It is determined by measuring the standard deviation of the underlying asset from the mean during that time period. The standard deviation is a statistical measure of the variability of price changes from the mean price change.
Implied Volatility : the implied volatility determined by the Black-Scholes method, as it is based on the actual volatility of the underlying asset.