
In: Nursing

The Pain Matrix (Word doc) asks you to fill in the missing components. You may find...

The Pain Matrix (Word doc) asks you to fill in the missing components. You may find it useful to use this matrix as a guide while viewing the mini-lecture for this week. The types of pain have been listed for you, and you will be asked to provide information about the location or cause of the pain, potential stimuli for the type of pain, as well as information about the characteristics of the pain type. Finally, you will be asked to provide examples for this type of pain. These may come from the lecture, your reading, or any source you find useful.

After completing the matrix, you should summarize the information organized within the matrix in a single paragraph (no longer than 0.5 page).

Type of pain

Subtype of:

Location of nociceptor / cause

Potential stimuli






Somatic: superficial

Sensitivity, tenderness

NSAIDs, Opioids, Local anesthesia

Somatic: deep

Tenderness, spasms

NSAIDs, Opioids, regional anesthesia


Nausea, vomiting, sweating, tenderness, spasm

NSAIDs, Opioids, regional anesthesia


Sensitivity of skin

Opioids, adjuvants


Dysthesia (abnormal sensation)

Opioids, adjuvants


Allodynia (painful response to normal stimuli)

Opioids, adjuvants


Sensory loss

Opioids, adjuvants


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