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(Solar System Astronomy) Discussions #3 - Current Events/Relevant Topics Conversation Instructions should be read carefully. Are...

(Solar System Astronomy)

Discussions #3 - Current Events/Relevant Topics Conversation

Instructions should be read carefully.

Are you Assigned to this Group? Everyone participates in the "Current Events/Relevant Topics Conversations".

Writing Your Response:

  1. Students need to use proper grammar and writing techniques. Responses should be complete, well thought out, and presented in a logical manner.
  2. A minimum of one paragraph is required for this initial posting.
  3. You are not required to support your post with references, but you are encouraged to include images, graphics, links to videos, and so on to create a more dynamic submission.
  4. Your initial post should be submitted by Wednesday of this module and response comments posted by the module deadline.

Responding to Peers: Please be certain to read and comment on two other classmates' posts. Your comments should address something specific from your peer's post. Note: Brief responses like “I agree” or “I disagree” will receive no credit.

Topic of Conversation:


1. What remote Sensing technology is and how it started (pdf)

2.  Just few examples of RS applications

How does it work-remote sensing of water (pdf)

You learned about spectral information of stars, planets, and the Sun. Spectral information of space objects is their identification parameters like the bio-metric characteristics in your passport . Remote Sensing covers the widened list of these spectral characteristics, including the combinations of different spectral lines indicating not only the presence of separate elements on planets and their atmosphere as well as star substances, but also conditions of plants, soil , and water of Earth ecosystems, thereby giving us a very informative tool for environmental monitoring and research of natural resources ..

3. Futuew of remote sensing: voice from cosmos in the image?

Rumors fly that gravitational waves have been detected (pdf)

Read paragraphs above and give your reflection:

1. What is most attractive in RS technology applications, what is new to you, and what is most useful?

2. Based on the learning material of RS methods registration of spectral information of space and Earth's objects, draft your research idea in few sentences, describing what you would like to investigate with RS methods in different spectral diapasons from balloon, aircraft, sub-marine, and even your car. The subject of Your investigation may include, but not be limited by wildlife, ecology, meteorology, cosmos, planets, signals from other civilizations, criminology, medicine , and even ghosts.


Expert Solution

1. Remote sensing is the process of detecting and measuring a parameter using the emission of radiation over a long distance. this is usually done using satellite. it was started during the war. earlier it was done using aircraft. Ariel photographs were taken and made observations. the techniques developed into more sophisticated measurements like infrared, Doppler effect, etc. At the end of the cold war, development of artificial satellites initiated and remote sensing was taken to the next level. Instead of measuring a small area, it was measured globally.

2. There are varied applications which are implied in this world. The main application is for meteorologically. it helps find the climatic condition of even a very small island near artic. Using RS we can determine the water by finding the amount of bulging caused by gravity. The tidal motion, the direction of ocean currents, depth and others are found using the height and wavelength of water. Not only waters, but we get information about the terrain of a particular place by RS. Whether it is a desert or a wetland or an evergreen forest, everything can be measured by the spectrum emitted by them.

3. a) remote sensing spectroscopy is one such thing which helps us find the faint dimmer planets and stars. For brighter stars and planets, there are many other powerful techniques to find the composition and characteristics of its atmosphere as well as its surface. But fainter stars emit very weak radiation which can only be found using RS spectroscopy. This is an attractive technique because earlier our applications were limited to Earth. Though there are many applications on earth and it is growing every minute, exploring space has its own perks.

Finding and maintaining the biodiversity of the earth was one primary motive of the development of RS. With the increasing number of satellites monitoring the globe, its time we move on to the next big thing, that is Universe. By exploring space, we can not only gain information but also hopefully find a habitable place for mankind.

b) There are few research areas where we can concentrate upon using RS. They are:

# solar panel intiation- with the degrading in the natural resources like water, oil, coal, etc, we now turn towards the sun for energy. Instead of initializing solar panel at all the places, we can find a suitable place by RS, that is to get information about solar energy and then initializing it. this will increase the output by thousands and lower the costs.

# Biodiversity - with RS we can find the topology of earth. But we can also find more information about the animals. Food chain is indeed very important for a sustainable life. For example, due to global warming, the number of polar bears is reduced. With RS we can find these and help them nurture. Animals in the oceans can also be found effectively using RS.

# finding disappeared flights and ships- With an increasing number of flight crashes and ship disappearing, RS helps us find them or at least predict where they would have fallen.

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