
In: Nursing

Anna Moore, an 83-year-old female, is admitted to the ER with aphasia, hemiparesis on her left...

Anna Moore, an 83-year-old female, is admitted to the ER with aphasia, hemiparesis on her left side, syncope, and delirium. Her daughter called the ambulance after discovering her mother in this condition at home. Mrs. Moore has a history of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes mellitus. Shewas admitted to the hospital after a brain scan revealed an infarct in the R cerebral hemisphere leading to a diagnosis of CVA of the middle cerebral artery.

1.What pathological condition does Ms. Moore have? Include a short description

2.List and define each of the patient's presenting symptoms in the ER

3.The patient has a history of three significant conditions. Describe

4. What diagnostic test did the physician perform? Describe the test and results

5. What is an infarct and what causes it?

6. List and describe the four common causes of a CVA


Expert Solution

Infarction is the death of the cells due improper supply of oxygen caused by interruption in arterial blood supply

Cerebral anoxia lasting longer than 10 minutes causes cerebral infarction with irreversible demage

Diagnosis based on CT SCAN,EEG,MRI and cerebral angiography

Casuse and risk factor


Hemorrhage from rupture of a vessels




Diabetes mellitus

Stress ,obesity,oral contraceptives and anti coagulation therapy

Lesion in cerebral hemisphere results in manifestations on the contralateral side which is the side of the body opposite the stroke

Aphasia is inability to speak resulting from demage occur in broca's area of frontal lobe

Hemiplagia is the paralysis in half lt side of body

Syncope is temporary loss of consciousness due to less oxygen supply to cerebral tissue

Delirium is altered conciousness level caused by any lesion in brain

Ataxia ,dysphagia,nuchal rigidity,facial drooling

Headache ,nausea and vomiting are sign and complication of CVA

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