
In: Computer Science

1. Create 2 interfaces: BankInterface and PetInterface. BankInterface contains only 1 abstract method: accountType() which does...

1. Create 2 interfaces: BankInterface and PetInterface. BankInterface contains only 1 abstract method: accountType() which does not return anything and takes 1 String argument: accType. PetInterface contains only 1 abstract method: petType() which does not return anything and takes 1 String argument petType.

2. Create an abstract class named Student. This class contains 2 instance variables, 1 constructor, and 2 abstract methods. a. Instance variables: stId and stName (Use must use appropriate data type.) b. A 2-argument constructor that will be called from its subclass (the concrete class) to load 2 instance variables of this level during the creation of an object in its subclass. c. 2 abstract methods: getStId and getStName.. Each of these methods, when sub classed into concrete ones, should return the respective values of the instance variables stId and stName. d. At this level you should do something to get the object state at this level.

3. Create a concrete class named CentennialStudent that makes use of the abstract class Student and the 2 interfaces: BankInterface and PetInterface. This class has two instance variables of its own, one constructor, and two methods of its own. a. Instance variables: stDept and stTuitionFees. (Use appropriate data types.) b. Constructor: one constructor that constructs a CentennialStudent object with all the centennialStudent information (stId, stName, stDept, and stTutionFees) supplied during the centennialStudent object creation. c. Take necessary action to make this class a concrete class. d. Take necessary action to get the complete string representation (i.e., the object state) of objects made from this class.

4. Create a driver class named TestXXX (replace XXX by three letters of your name) that would ask for student Id, name, department, and tuition fees from the user and creates an object with the information entered. You ask also about the type of bank account the CentennialStrudent uses and also ask about his/her pet animal type. Use the implemented interface methods accountTpe and petType to display the values you entered. In order to accomplish this, you need to create variables at appropriate place to store the data entered by the user and use them in the implemented interfaces .You may use JOptionPane input dialog to get the input from the user and messageDialogs display the output.


Expert Solution

Find the java classes and interfaces below. Comments are provided for almost all lines. Read through the comments for a better understanding.


public interface BankInterface {
        // 1 abstract method, with String argument
        abstract void accountType(String accType);


public interface PetInterface {

        // 1 abstract method, with String argument
        abstract void petType(String petType);

Abstract class Student

public abstract class Student {
        // 2 instance variables
        public int stId;
        public String stName;
        // 2 argument constructor
        public Student(int stId, String stName) {
                this.stId = stId;
                this.stName = stName;

        // 2 abstract methods
        abstract int getStId();
        abstract String getStName();

        // to display the current state
        public String toString() {
                return "Student Id: " + stId + ", Name: " + stName;

Concrete Class CentennialStudent

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class CentennialStudent extends Student implements BankInterface, PetInterface {

        // 2 instance variables
        private String stDept;
        private Float stTuitionFees;
        // another 2 instance variables to store acc type and pet type
        // the value stored here will be printed
        private String accType;
        private String petType;
        // constructor, as described
        public CentennialStudent(int stId, String stName, String stDept, Float stTuitionFees) {
                super(stId, stName);
                this.stDept = stDept;
                this.stTuitionFees = stTuitionFees;
        // some concrete methods
        public void setAccType(String accType) {
                this.accType = accType;

        public void setPetType(String petType) {
                this.petType = petType;

        public String getAccType() {
                return accType;

        public String getPetType() {
                return petType;

        // implementing the bank interface method
        public void accountType(String accType) {
                JFrame frame = new JFrame();
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Account type: " + accType);
        // implementing the pet interface method
        public void petType(String petType) {
                JFrame frame = new JFrame();
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Pet Animal type: " + petType);
        // implementing abstract class Student method
        public int getStId() {
                return this.stId;
        // implementing abstract class Student method
        public String getStName() {
                return this.stName;
        // to display the current state
        // it make use of toString() method defined in the abstract class Student
        public String toString() {
                return super.toString() + ", Department: " + stDept + ", Tuition Fee: " + stTuitionFees;

Testing class TestXXX

import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.*;

public class TestXXX {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
                // create new JFrame
                JFrame f = new JFrame();
                // read data to create centennial student object
                int stId = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(f, "Student Id:"));
                String stName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(f, "Name:");
                String stDept = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(f, "Department:");
                Float stTuitionFees = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(f, "Tuition Fee:"));
                // create centennial student object
                CentennialStudent st = new CentennialStudent(stId, stName, stDept, stTuitionFees);
                // read acount type
                String accType = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(f, "Bank Account Type:");
                // read pet animal type
                String petType = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(f, "Pet Animal Type:");
                // set account type and pet type to variables in centennial student object
                // display centennial student details
                // centennial student in turn calls student.toString()
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, st.toString());
                // show acc type and pet type from implemented interface methods

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