
In: Nursing

bioethics and health policy effect on abortion

bioethics and health policy effect on abortion


Expert Solution

As we analyse abortion in deep ethical aspects beyond the legal and social approaches bioethics and laws joint together, because they both have the same view.. fundamental questions arise for abortion more bioethical perspective.. In-vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction,where by embryos are manipulated..that is sustain_with little substantiation,from our view_a diffrentiated ethical respect,and the difference would lie in biological development,which increasingly uncover for us the genetic mysteries of the embryo prior to implantation with those of philosophy and law.. Recently,state laws that use the government health department infrastructure to increase law enforcement and regulatory activities around abortion..most of the medical and public health against for this new laws because this is non_ evidence based and do not protect women''s health, public health agencies have found themselves tasked with defending,iimplementing and enforcing abortion_related laws that are not consistent with public health frame work..

Abortion must be provided with accurate information about the procedure and it's possible effects on their health.. moreover, because ambivalence about an abortion decision is common..Ambivalance is related to post_abortion distress..past few decades international research have been undertaken on the physical and psychological impact on women and also circumstances surround it..the women aged 15 to 27 reported rate of abortion was most of the cases women seek abortion there are more factors involved included relationship problems, pressure from partner and family members,career aspirations,finance,lack of community support etc,, studies have found more negative emotions,psychological distress,post-traumatic syndrome etc..

US abortion policy is unique..this laws more concern about protecting the introduced low rate of contraceptive use,it can help prevent unnecessary abortion..The canadian federal abortion law of 1967 accepted by the supreme court in 1988 left the abortion policy upto each province..Abortion is paid by state funds,doctors usually add on a fee,contraception is subsidized and readily available..since 1976 abortion permitted in private clinic.. Abortion rates are less than half those in the US for contraceptive use is more than double..Restrictive abortion laws are associated with higher level of Maternal mortality..WHO recommendation related to laws and policies on abortion should protect women's health and their human rights..

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