
In: Nursing

SCRIPTWRITING ROLE PLAY Applying the Medical Technology Code of Ethics, what will you do during the...



Applying the Medical Technology Code of Ethics,

what will you do during the following scenario:

Scenario 3. A researcher wants to publish a study related to laboratory protocols and quality of laboratory results. He conducted the study. However, results are unfavorable and insignificant. The researcher wants you to take part in manipulating the laboratory results. If you cooperate, in return, you will also be acknowledged as a co-researcher of the study.


Expert Solution

According to the code of ethics, as a proffesional, one is expected to perform professional work in a manner that merits full confidence and trust carried
out with absolute reliability, accuracy, fairness and honesty.

One should review the professional work of
other medical technologists, when requested, fairly and in confidence whether they are
subordinates or employees, authors of proposals for grants or contracts, authors of technical papers or other publications or involved in litigation.

In the above scenario, if I do the needfull i ll be violating the code which will be a criminal offence in the code of law.

As a Medical technologist I am supposed to Exercise independent judgment, accept responsibility for my actions and the foreseeable consequences of my actions, and recognize my accountability for the service I provide.

In the above case,

I will take appropriate action in responding to situation as it  may jeopardize patient care or harm the profession

The reasearcher wants me to assist him in the unethical cause, I will decline the help to him as the cause is totally unethic. and even I ll check to it that he doesnt seek help of any other technologist for the same as it would violate the Code of ethics and may have bad repurcussions or consequences, because its my responsibilty according to the code  

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