
In: Computer Science

MATLAB ONLY please. Please put the entire code below. 1. you will read a list of...

MATLAB ONLY please. Please put the entire code below.

1. you will read a list of internet logs from a notepad.
2. then you will extract the following.
- a host (e.g., '')
- a user_name (e.g., 'feest6811' note: sometimes the username is missing! In this case, use '-' as the value for the username.)
- the timme a request was made (e.g., '21/Jun/2019:15:45:24-0700')
- the post request type (e.g., 'POST /incentivize HTTP/1.1' note: not everthing is a POST!)

Your task is to convert this into a list of strings:
"host :"
"user_name: feest6811",
"time :21/Jun/2019:15:45:24 -0700",
"request: POST /incentivize HTTP/1.1' note: not everthing is a POST!)

LIST OF LOG FILES: - feest6811 [21/Jun/2019:15:45:24 -0700] "POST /incentivize HTTP/1.1" 302 4622 - kertzmann3129 [21/Jun/2019:15:45:25 -0700] "DELETE /virtual/solutions/target/web+services HTTP/2.0" 203 26554 - okuneva5222 [21/Jun/2019:15:45:27 -0700] "DELETE /interactive/transparent/niches/revolutionize HTTP/1.1" 416 14701 - ortiz8891 [21/Jun/2019:15:45:28 -0700] "PATCH /architectures HTTP/1.0" 204 6048 - stark2413 [21/Jun/2019:15:45:31 -0700] "GET /engage HTTP/2.0" 201 9645 - dooley1853 [21/Jun/2019:15:45:32 -0700] "PUT /cutting-edge HTTP/2.0" 406 24498


Expert Solution

The possible solutions for the given question:

a) if the file has table like structure use the following:

data = readtable('yourfilename.log')

b) if you want the output as an array:

data = dlmread('yourfilename.log')

c) For a table like structure of data

Str = fileread('yourfilename.log');

Key = 'it,it-nin,icytot,nrep2,mtfail,IMPES:';

Index = strfind(Str,Key);

Value =sscanf(Str(Index(1)+length(Key):end),'%g',1);


The solution for query:

You can import the mixed type of data as a cell array using the “readcell” function with “detectImportOptions” or the “textscan” function.

Code for the same:

a) The import using the “detectImportOptions” function;

opts = detectImportOptions('filename.txt'); % creating an import options object for the file %using the detectImportOptions function

opts.DataLines = [3 8]; % location of the data

C = readcell('filename.txt',opts); % import operation

b) The import using the textscan function;

N = 6; % specifying the size of block

formatSpec = '%D %f %f %f %c'; % formats of the data

% '%s' for text variables, '%D' for date and time variables, or '%c' for categorical variables.

fileID = fopen('bigfile.txt'); % open the file

C_first = textscan (fileID,formatSpec,N,'CommentStyle','##','Delimiter','\t') % Read the first block

C_first{3} %example

N = 7; % Updating the block size N

C_second = textscan (fileID,formatSpec,N,'CommentStyle','##','Delimiter','\t') % reading the second block

C_second{5} % example

fclose(fileID); % Closing the file.

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