
In: Statistics and Probability

a. Use an appropriate test to evaluate whether position in the batting order and bat speed...

a. Use an appropriate test to evaluate whether position in the batting order and bat speed contribute to the number of home runs (HR) hit per season. Keep in mind that we would like to be able to make inferences about the influence of bat speed across the entire range observed within Major League Baseball, not just the random bat speeds that we tested.

b. Make a single plot of the mean responses at each level of both factors and evaluate.

1) State all relevant hypotheses (nulls and alternatives).

2) State which test was used and why you used it.

3) State conclusions after completing your analyses.

batting order slot bat speed HR per season
Top Fast 24
Middle Fast 41
Bottom Fast 21
Top Fast 15
Middle Fast 34
Bottom Fast 18
Top Fast 12
Middle Fast 29
Bottom Fast 14
Top Slow 13
Middle Slow 24
Bottom Slow 8
Top Slow 11
Middle Slow 27
Bottom Slow 12
Top Slow 6
Middle Slow 18
Bottom Slow 9


Expert Solution

> data1=read.csv(file.choose(),header=T)
> names(data1)
[1] "batting.order.slot" "bat.speed" "HR.per.season"   
> attach(data1)
The following objects are masked from data1 (pos = 4):

bat.speed, batting.order.slot, HR.per.season

b). > xyplot(HR.per.season~batting.order.slot|bat.speed,pch=16)

> by(HR.per.season,list(batting.order.slot,bat.speed),FUN = mean)
: Bottom
: Fast
[1] 17.66667
: Middle
: Fast
[1] 34.66667
: Top
: Fast
[1] 17
: Bottom
: Slow
[1] 9.666667
: Middle
: Slow
[1] 23
: Top
: Slow
[1] 10
a) 1. Null hypothesis ->
Alternative hypothesis -> H1A : not H0A
H1B : not H0B,

where = Mean of HR per season for batting order slot i, i=1(1)3 [ 1=Top, 2=Middle, 3=Bottom]
and = Mean of HR per season for batting speed j, j=1(1)2 [1=Fast, 2=Slow]

2. Two-way ANOVA with replications has been used since we have two factors Batting order slot and batting speed and we have more than observation for each combination of the two factors.

3..> model=aov(HR.per.season~batting.order.slot+bat.speed)
> summary(model)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
batting.order.slot 2 930.3 465.2 24.11 2.92e-05 ***
bat.speed 1 355.6 355.6 18.43 0.000744 ***
Residuals 14 270.1 19.3   
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Since p-value for both the factors are very small, we reject both the null hypotheses and conclude that both batting order slot and batting speed significantly affect the HR per season.

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