
In: Computer Science

Solve this comp architecture problem: Supposed you have an array int* arr = {3,7,6,4,5}. The values...

Solve this comp architecture problem:

Supposed you have an array int* arr = {3,7,6,4,5}. The values in arr store in the memory of 0(x21), 8(x21), .... , 32(x21). Transform the following RISC-V code into a C program.

ld x5, 16(x21)

addi x6, x0, 3

sll x5, x5, x6

sd x5, 8(x21)


Expert Solution

I have adde the conerted code along with the comments at each line and printing the final output just to show you and please take it as c program and also find the attached screenshot of the execution

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

//initializing the array with the given values by you
  int* arr[] = {3,7,6,4,5};

  //now loading the value of ld x5, 16(x21)
  int x5 = arr[2];
  //addi x6, x0, 3  i.e adding the int 3 with 0 and storing in variable in x6
  int x6 = 0 + 3;
// sll x5, x5, x6 , now left shifting the value stored in x5 to 3 places which is tored in x6
  x5 = x5 << x6 ;
  //sd x5, 8(x21) now storing the value at arr[1] which is at 2nd position
  arr[1] = x5;

  //below line is not for the conversion i have added for your reference
  printf("%d", arr[1]);
  return 0;


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