
In: Nursing

Sex education refers to an array of topics that comprise sexuality. Such topics may include contraception,...

Sex education refers to an array of topics that comprise sexuality. Such topics may include contraception, human development, the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, and sexual behavior. The teaching of sex education to children has always had a big stigma attached to it, but it is an important topic for young individuals to learn.

For your initial post, address the following:

Research and report on the sex education protocols and regulations in your state.

At what age should children be exposed to sex education topics? What topics should be discussed and why?

Should sex education be mandated as part of the curriculum in public schools? Why?

For your reply post, consider and address the following questions:

Based on the responses of your classmates, what similarities and differences exist between states?

If the subject is mandated, should parents be allowed to exempt their children? Based on this decision, are there public health risks?


Expert Solution

Protocols addressing sex education vary significantly among the states.

  • 38 states, Puerto Rico and the U. S, Virgin Islands have laws pertaining to sex education.
  • The majority of the states include provision of addressing AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and abstinence in the curriculum.
  • Acc. To Dr. Elizabeth oyenusi, sex education should begin as early as possible . 2-3 yrs is an ideal time. Hence parents should teach them the names of all their body parts and what is not appropriate. Parents should tell them whether they should not be touched by anyone and that if such happens, they should report to them.
  • Developmentally appropriate and evidence based education by peadiatrician school professionals are important to help children and adolescent make informed positive and safe choices about healthy relationships, responsible sexual activity and their reproductive health.
  • The majority of states allows parents the opportunity to exempt or opt out of instruction while Nevada and Colorado require parental consent before a student may take part in any instruction. North Carolina permits local authorities to determine whether a parent must provide consent of opt out and Arkansas requires parental consent before students may receive school based health clinic service.

Every teenager should have sex education incorporated in their schooling. It shouldn't be opt in or opt out but mandatory. Its been shown to help students, not hurt. Having access to sex education that is not only comprehensive but medically accurate a human right. It's the fundamental duty as a society to educate the next generation.

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