Foreign exchange is the medium for converting one countries
currencyinto other countries currency.Every economy facilitates
foreign exchange.
- There are many institutions which facilitates foriegn exchange
in an economy.These may be the government,commercial
banks,investment banks or central banks etc.
- Now lets see how commercial banks play role in foreign
- Commercial banks ties up with international banks and foreign
banks for services.
- They provide service for converting foreign currency to native
currency or native to foreign currency.
- They also provides facilities like travelers cheque etc which
can be used to` withdraw money in other country..
- They helps bussiness oraganisation in international bussiness
transaction by providing service such as letter of
credit,documentary collection etc,
Now when we look the exchange value of 1 kuwait Dinar into US
dollars we get 3.27$ for 1 kuwait Dinar (as on 1/0/2020)
There are various factors which effect the foreign exchange
rate,some of them are:
- Government debt
- Inflation rate.
- Countries balance of payment.
- Political stability of economy.
- If look how an government debt or nation debt can affect
foreign exchange rate, we can say if an economy has a high debt
which cant be concieved within its economic perfomance then it may
likely speculate to have negative impact in its foreign exchange
rate.We cant always say high debt will cause negative impact on
exchange rate. If the economy has the power to outpass one huge
debt,then it will not affect the exchange rate of the country,