In: Nursing
Liver is an important organ of our body. It's proper working just like our other vital organs keeps us going on. It makes blood proteins that helps in clotting and transporting oxygen to the immune system. Liver also manufacture bile that helps in digestion of food inside our body.
The failure of liver functioning can be due to excessive alcohol in take, hepatitis infection or due to over dose of certain drugs, etc.
It is accompanied by some symptoms that include
Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, diarrhoea or presence of blood in stool.
If liver stops functioning the immediate symptoms will be extreme tiredness, yellowing of skin leading to Jaundice, and also the accumulation of fluids in tissues.
Liver failure is very dangerous situation, as it decreases the survival rate to extremely low point. One can barely live for 2 or 3 days after their liver failure. The only way to escape this scenario is with proper checkup and liver transplant.