In: Biology
Determine for each statement below by listing true or false, on whether or not it is a true difference between RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase:
And 1) The statement is true
In order to initiate replication, DNA polymerase needs primer and
template. Thus to synthesize new strands RNA primers are required.
Whereas, RNA polymerases do not require primer
Ans 2) The statement is False
DNA polymerases I, II and III can proofread by its 3'-5'
exonuclease activity.
Ans 3) The statement is False
Both DNA polmerase and RNA polymerase require template strand in
order to synthesize new strands and the direction of template
strand in both case is from 3'-5'.
Ans 4) The statement is False
The synthesis of both RNA and DNA by the enzymes RNA polymerases
and DNA polymerases occur in 5'-3' direction
Ans 5) The statement is True
RNA polymerase will create mRNA by the process of transcription and
DNA polymerase will create DNA by the process of replication.
Ans 6) The statement is
RNA polymerases in order to synthesize mRNA needs DNA as a
template. DNA polymerase also needs the template of DNA
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