
In: Physics

Mammography is defined as radiography of the breast, and it is a prime example of soft...

Mammography is defined as radiography of the breast, and it is a prime example of soft tissue
radiography. Most signs of breast pathology are either in the form of soft-tissue masses that are
not very different from the surrounding tissue and very small (micro) calcifications 100 μm or
less. Also, breast tissue known for highly sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of radiation,
particularly when imaging at younger age. Therefore, mammography imaging requires good
spatial resolution, contrast resolution and must be acquired with lowest dose possible.
The visualization of these very challenging conditions with lowest dose possible requires
imaging procedures with special characteristics that presents a different technical challenge
compared with standard radiography.
In this written assignment, you requested to write short essay discussing the special
characteristics of mammography unit compared to the standard x-ray unit
Marking Criteria
Criteria Marks
A brief introduction to your topic and ability to introduce topic and place in context 5
Ability to relate knowledge to given topic and interrelate different areas of knowledge 10
Discussion section presented and argued; ideas are detailed, well developed, supported with specific
evidence & facts, as well as examples and specific details
Ability to provide conclusion drawing main points together 10
There is clear use of a personal and unique style of writing,
excellent grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation.
Use of Referencing System in text and Reference Section/Bibliography 5
Well-planned and well-thought out. Includes title, introduction, statement of main idea, discussion
and conclusion
Total Marks 100
Max number of words 1000


Expert Solution

Mammography is a method used to visualise the internal structure of the breast using x-rays. This simple safe procedure can detect tumors and cysts that cannot be felt by palpation .Mammography has significantly improved the early and accurate detection of best malignancies improved imaging technique have also reduced the radiation that accompanies mammography to insignificant levels.

Digital mammography is a newer technique in which x-ray images are digitally added into computer. This allows for a clearer and more accurate than conventional mammography x-ray film.The minimum size of Tumour detectable by physical examination is 1 cm it may take 10 years or longer for tumor to grow the size. Mammography can detect similar masses depending on the equipment and whether the malignant calcifications are present are most easily recognised by mammogram. This deposits of calcium crystals form in the breast for many reasons such as inflammation trauma and aging. although most classification are benign they also may be associated with pre invasive cancer.

Mammography first started in 1960s however, modern mammography has only existed since 1969 when the first x-ray unit dedicated to breast imaging was made available to the public. Such examination as a screening device become standard practice by the year 1976 . mammography then continues to improve lower dose of radiation able to detect smaller potential problem earlier.Throughout the years mammography has made advances to further improve its diagnostic ability .Digital mammography and the computer aided detections are two examples of recent advances in the field of mammography. digital mammography also known as full filled digital mammography, is a mammography system in which solid state detectors that convert x rays to electrical signals replies the conventional x-ray film .These detecters are similar to those found in the digital cameras were electrical signals produced used to create images of breast which are then project on a computer screen or printed on a special film similar to conventional mammograms.A digital mammogram is essentially the same as conventional film screen mamogram. Computer aided detection system help to detect abnormalities is by using computer software .

A degetalized mamograpgic image that can be be obtained either from a digitally acquired mammogram or a conventional film mammogram is used by the computer aided systems .the computer software then searches for abnormal areas of mass density for calcification that may indicate the presence of Cancer .it highlights the abnormal areas on the images alerting radiologist need for the analysis.

Patients are equal required to do some preparations prior to mammography examination.Fasting or observation in particular dietic rules, days before mammogram examination is not necessary.However for women sensitive to caffeine they shall refrain from taking coffeine containing products such as chocolate and coffee ,2 weeks before undergoing the test. Because caffeine could make the breast more tender which may affect quality of radiograph.menstrual cycle phase usually does not affect the outcome of the examination. However it is also highly recommended build to schedule for mammogram one week following patients menstrual cycle.this is so as the breast are less than compared to that during the preovulatory and post ovulatory is also advisable for patient to wear two piece clothing on examination day to ease the underlying process for mamogram.cosmetics,creams,oils,lotion a,talc or deodorants must not be applied hours prior to test at the under arms and breast areas. Failure in doing so may results in those appear in mammogram as calcium sports .patients are also encouraged to bring along all previous mammograms for the comparison purpose by the radiologist most often mammograms are done on the older patients compared to younger patients this is due to the breast tissue changes during life.breast tissue density in younger women often makes mammogram difficult to iterpret. however,as women age increases some changes in the structure of breast occurs as glanDular and fibrous tissue reduced in size and this result in breast tissue become more fatty.On the examination day a simple interview with patient is conducted before the examination take place they will be asked on any prior surgeries history family or personal history of breast cancer as well as hormone is also the responsibility of radiographer or technologist to enter the patients last menstrual period as to determine whether the patient is pregnant pregnant patients are not recommendable for such examination upon completion of short interview, patient are then ushered to change into hospital gown under remove all potential artefact before proceeding for examination.

When mammography examination take place the breast is compressed during compression pad on the mammography unit.A parallel plate compression events out the breast tissue.compression of breast reduces the thickness of tissue , that X rays penetrate ,decreases the amount of scattered radiation and reduces the required radiation dose and holding the breast still does improving the image quality.

Mamography has been alone known as to be effective modality for breast screening.Such an examination improves physician's ability to detect small tumors, and early treatment can be performed to reduce mortality rate. Mammogram is also the only proven method to reliably detect tumors as well as all type of breast cancer including invasive, ductal and invasive -lobular cancer .Radiation used in mammography examination is of low dosage, and usually has no side effect towards patient.Moreover radiation does not remain in patients body after the examination. Despite its benefits the purpose of screening and diagnostic mammography poses certain risks towards its patients. There are flight chance of Cancer from excessive exposure to radiation. The effect of radiation dose for this procedure varies depending on the thickness of tissue however radiographers are trained to use the lowest radiation dose possible for radiation protection purposes while producing the best images for evaluation. False positive mamogram is also one of the risks in performing mamMogram.5% to 15% of straining mammograms need more testing such as additional view for mammograms for ultrasound to for that determines suspected abormality. Most of father test turn out to be e normal.However if there is abnormal finding biopsy may be performed on the patient to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant.women above the age of 40 are normally advised for mammogram annually as they pose higher risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.however an ultrasound is more preferably performed on patients below the age of 40 as their breast tissue is denser.Last but not least women of all age should go for routine breast checkup regularly for every detection on any breast abnormalities.

REFERANCE-lewis,heiktkember ,medical surgical nursing,2007,mosby publications

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