In: Nursing
M.D. is 69 years old, visits her GP for a repeat prescription of perindopril arginine 2.5 mg. She was diagnosed with heart failure and heart disease 1 year ago (LVEF < 40%) after a myocardial infarction and was started on carvedilol 12.5 mg. M.D. moved into a retirement village 1 year ago after the death of her husband. She is an active member of the walking group, but over the last 3 weeks she has had increased shortness of breath and fatigue after a steady 20 minute walk at the park. Since then she has reduced her level of physical activity and has also noticed swelling in her ankles despite her usual fluid tablets. She tells you that she has been having packaged soups instead of regular meals, because she finds it convenient, and is drinking more water than previously recommended (< 1.5 L/day was recommended after her heart failure diagnosis). Her medical history includes dyslipidemia, osteoarthritis, stable ischemic heart disease, and hypertension. Her current medicines (all once daily) are carvedilol 12.5 mg, aspirin 81 mg, atorvastatin 20 mg, celecoxib 200 mg, controlled-release isosorbide mononitrate 60 mg and furosemide 20 mg. M.D. currently weighs 70 kg (up by 4 kg from last visit 6 months ago) and her blood pressure is 140/82 mmHg. Serum biochemistry (urea, creatinine and electrolytes) was normal when tested 6 weeks ago. LDL was 100 and HDL was 52. Her estimated creatinine clearance was 60 mL/min.
List two (2) factors that may have exacerbated M.D.’s heart failure and what suggestions you would provide for M.D.
* The two factors that can exacerbate M.D's heart failure are -
1.Dietary changes of client (having packaged food, taking more drinking water).
2.Reduced physical exercise.
**Dietary modification:-
1.she must be take small frequent meals in every 3-4hours
2.Low taking of salt,sugar,sweetened beverages,saturated fat,red meats.
3.whole grains,fish,nuts,legumes,fruits & vegetables are provided in more amount.
4.pickled,processed, canned,packed & convenience foods are minimize.
5.fluid taking is limited.
**lifestyle changes:-
1.Maintaining proper body weight.
2.limiting your own fluid taking.
3.Try to avoid taking tea,coffee & maintaing proper healthy diet.
4.Managing your own stress by deep breathing exercises, Yoga,meditation.
5.Being physically active ( do outdoor exercises like walking,running,jogging,jumping,cycle riding etc.)
6.Taking adequate rest & sleep.