
In: Physics

a) If the vertical position of the UAV from the launch point is modelled by the...

a) If the vertical position of the UAV from the launch point is modelled by the distance (S) equation S=142t3-3t +5, calculate the speed and acceleration of the UAV and identify the time when the vehicle turns in its path and whether the turning point is at a maximum or minimum height on its flight path. Explain your methodology in reaching your conclusions clearly.

b) If the vehicle’s distance is modelled by the equation S=142ln(3t3+t). Calculate its speed 66 seconds after launch.

c) The self induced e.m.f (measured in volts, V) in a circuit inductor can be found by using: e= L???? volts, where L is the inductance in Henrys (H). Calculate (e) the induced e.m.f. when an inductor of 250mH passes a current i=(66/2)Sin(100πt+?6) amperes at the instant when time t=10ms.

d) If the speed of the UAV is described by the equation: V=66-6t+10e-0.1t. Find the distance (S) of the object at t=5 if it is known that at t=10, S=100.

e) Estimate the spray volume covered by the UAV (when used to spray water in forest fires) if travelling in a parabolic path simulated by the height (h) and time (t) relationship, h = Ct2 (where 'C' 66 is a constant) between t=0 and t=10sec.

f) Find the mean Voltage across a capacitor in a circuit over the time interval between 0-50 seconds given that the Voltage across the charging capacitor in a UAV circuit is described by the function: V=8(1-e-0.1t) volts.

g) Generate the formulae and values for the electric current average (mean) and r.m.s. (root mean square) of a UAV circuit if the current can be represented as i= 8e-0.2t, between the time periods of t=0s and t=25s.


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