
In: Statistics and Probability

Movies 6b and 6c Part A - Using either R studio and/or SPSS, calculate a t-test...

Movies 6b and 6c

  1. Part A - Using either R studio and/or SPSS, calculate a t-test for independent means for the question 10 data in your dataset. Be sure to cut and paste your output into this document. When using R this should include your code.

Be sure to report the t-test in the correct format AND a complete write up in a paragraph form following the example in the movie. The research hypothesis asked if there are differences between boys (coded as 1) and girls (coded as 2) and how often they raise their hands? Is there? (1 point)

Part B: Calculate Cohen’s d. Was this a small, medium or large effect?

Gender HandsUp_Freq
1 9
2 3
2 5
2 3
1 8
1 4
2 2
2 6
1 9
1 3
2 4
1 8
2 2
1 10
2 6
1 10
2 7
1 9
2 7
1 8
2 7
2 3
2 6
2 6
1 10
1 7
1 6
1 12
2 8
1 9

Movies 7b and 7c: ANOVA calculations

  1. Using either R and/or SPSS, calculate a one-way ANOVA for the question 11 data in your dataset. Be sure to cut and paste your output. Report the F-test in the correct format AND a complete write up (in a paragraph) following the example in the movie. The research hypothesis asked if there were differences in how long practiced in a week prior to a race (1 = < 15 hours, 2 = 15-25 hours, 3 = > 25 hours) and their times in the following race 100-yard freestyle. Was there a difference, and if so, among/between which groups did the differences lie? (1 point)
PracticeGroup TimeInRace
1 60.1
1 59
1 55.3
1 62.3
1 50.1
1 64.5
1 62.5
1 65.7
1 51.4
1 53.6
1 59
1 64.4
2 55.8
2 58.7
2 55.8
2 52.7
2 67.8
2 61.6
2 58.7
2 54.6
2 52.5
2 54.7
2 62.2
2 56.9
3 68
3 65.9
3 54.7
3 54.1
3 58.7
3 65.3
3 66.5
3 56.7
3 56.5
3 51.5
3 54.8
3 57.2

Movies 8b and c - CHI Square calculations

  1. Using either R and/or SPSS, calculate a CHI square using your dataset – report in the correct format AND a complete write up (in a paragraph) following the example in the movie. (1 point). Be sure to cut and paste your output into this document. When using R this should include your code.

    You work for the New York Times and your bosses want to know whether there are technology preferences among the most subscribed age group generations (Baby Boomers and GenX) and their up and coming most common potential subscribers (Millennials) for accessing the Times – among Tablets, Smartphones and Desktop access.

In this study you collected data from a small sample of 12 people in 2018 from each of the three representative age groups: Millennials – 21 – 37 years old; GenX – 38 – 53 years old; and Baby Boomers (54-72 years old). This was a pilot exploratory study; you did not have a directional hypothesis so you are first going to need to explore differences among the three groups.

Age_Group Technology_Preference
Boomers Tablet
Boomers Desktop
Boomers Desktop
Boomers Desktop
Boomers Tablet
Boomers Tablet
Boomers Smartphone
Boomers Desktop
Boomers Desktop
Boomers Smartphone
Boomers Tablet
Boomers Desktop
GenX Smartphone
GenX Smartphone
GenX Smartphone
GenX Tablet
GenX Desktop
GenX Desktop
GenX Desktop
GenX Tablet
GenX Smartphone
GenX Smartphone
GenX Smartphone
GenX Desktop
Millennials Smartphone
Millennials Smartphone
Millennials Smartphone
Millennials Tablet
Millennials Desktop
Millennials Desktop
Millennials Desktop
Millennials Tablet
Millennials Smartphone
Millennials Smartphone
Millennials Smartphone
Millennials Desktop


Expert Solution

Solution :


There are more than 1 questions, as per the Q&A guidelines i am answering first question. If you want to get the answers for the rest of the parts, please post the question in a new post.

Please give me a thumbs-up if this helps you out. Thank you!

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