
In: Nursing

Position Statements Choose five (5) of the following questions to answer in about 100 words each....

Position Statements Choose five (5) of the following questions to answer in about 100 words each. Simply state and briefly explain your position on the issue prior to our formal study of it. No comprehensive, developed argument is needed at this time, simply a coherent expression of your view. 1. Is abortion a moral or immoral choice? Do you consider yourself pro-life or pro-choice? 2. Should we clone human beings? Morally speaking, what makes this a good or bad idea? 3. Is it ethical for physicians to aid patients experiencing unremitting suffering in committing suicide? 4. What is the proper response to hate speech? Is it justifiable to ban or prohibit some types of speech in certain contexts? 5. Is pre-marital sex a moral choice? Or should one wait until marriage? 6. Is capital punishment (the death penalty) an ethically appropriate punishment? 7. Should we acknowledge and respect basic rights (such as the right to life) for nonhuman animals? 8. Do we as members of an affluent nation have an obligation to help those in underdeveloped nations who may lack adequate food, clean water, or medicine?


Expert Solution

8. Do we as members of an affluent nation have an obligation to help those in underdeveloped nations who may lack adequate food, clean water, or medicine?

I agree with the idea of helping the people of underdeveloped nations as possible we can. However, I don’t feel personally we are obliged to help others because of the wealth and power of our country. But rather I feel it should happen out of compassion towards the fellow human being. It should be an act of kindness towards humanity. Meanwhile, I cannot deny the fact that by providing a helping hand, politically and socially we are climbing the ladder becoming a more powerful nation. Also, by supplying the necessities to the poor nations we set an example to the world.

7. Should we acknowledge and respect basic rights (such as the right to life) for nonhuman animals?

Yes, because non-human animals are also living creatures. They are also an inhabitant of this planate, rightfully sharing the resources along with us. All the living being has the right to live and survive in the world as the way how they are. No matter how big or small with significant differentiated characteristics, every living organism inhibits in this planet are precious. More because it is having a life and is living, which we cannot create by our power even though we are superior creatures. So I believe that as we humans are above all the other living beings on earth, the right of living and survival should be respected equally.

6. Is capital punishment (the death penalty) an ethically appropriate punishment?

Ethically seeing, I personally feel we have no right to take away a life only because we cannot create a life. But in certain situations, death penalty can be given as a strict warning towards the society. For e.g. inhuman crimes, rape, murder etc with proper trial and evidence.

Certain countries carry out capital punishment as a strict action and warning towards the crime and criminals to avoid further repetition. Punishments are decided and served to bring safety and harmony in the society. Its main objective is to minimize the crime rate and allowing the place a welcoming city to live for the people.

5. Is pre-marital sex a moral choice? Or should one wait until marriage?

Sex is an act between individual based trust, love and need. I feel, if the couples are willing and are not a minor, then they have the right to have sex if they feel so. Saving the virginity for the person whom they marry is up to the individual choice. So the morality and immorality of having sex before marriage depend on the individual.

In my view, marriage is just a legal power gives the couple to have sex and breed. So it gives a more sophisticated view. Sex is a body need, which is described as the one of the basic need that a human need to satisfy. It is a right of an individual. Sex is still a taboo subject in the society even though we reached the moon and are trying to build a human environment out space

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