In: Biology
1. positive tests are
Gram- stain positive, acid fast staining test positive, fermentation test:(glucose and catalase,) positive,
negative tests are
motility test negative at 25 degree celcius, lactose test negative, gelatinase test negative,phenylalanone aminotransferase test negative, citrate test negative, horse blood haemolysis test negative.
2. Gram Staining(+)--> acid fastening test (+) --> motility test (-) --> citrate test (-)-->fermentation test( Glucose (+)And Lactose (-)) --> Enzyme test( Catalase Test (+), Gelatinase test(-) and phenylalanone aminotransferase test (-).
3. Gram Staining (+), Acid fast Stain (+)-->rough white(yellowish) irregular colonies --> Citrate and horse blood haemolysis test negative (aerobic)-->macConkey agar growth (in absence of crystal violet)--> Catalase Test (+)--> fermentation test( Glucose (+))--> Gelatine hydrolase test (-)--> Starch hydrolysis test (-)--> Urea hydrolysis (+)--> suseptible to ethambutol, streptomycin,chloramphenicol, norfloxacin, tetracyclin,