
In: Nursing

A healthful diet can be described by which of the following? Group of answer choices "think...

A healthful diet can be described by which of the following?

Group of answer choices

"think outside the bun"

variety, moderation, and physical activity

eat good foods, stay away from bad foods

balance, moderation, and variety

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Question 21 pts

Nutrient density refers to foods that:

Group of answer choices

are rich in protein

are rich in nutrients but relatively low in calories

carry the USDA nutrition seal

contain a mixture of carbohydrate, protein, and fat

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Question 31 pts

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for nutrients are generally:

Group of answer choices

the same for all ages for all nutrients

the minimum amounts that average people need

designed to prevent deficiency disease in half the population

designed to be adequate for almost all healthy people

more than twice as high as anyone needs

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Question 41 pts

When it comes to nutrient intake:

Group of answer choices

it does not matter as long as a person gets enough protein

more is better

too much can be dangerous

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Question 51 pts

Which of the following describes an action that applies to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Group of answer choices

switch to fat-free or low fat (1% milk)

all of these apply

enjoy your food, but eat less

avoid oversized, supersized portions

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Question 61 pts

Foods in a given food group in MyPlate are equivalent in their content of:

Group of answer choices

protein and energy content

fiber content

vitamins and minerals

carbohydrate and fat content

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Question 71 pts

Typical Americans eat:

Group of answer choices

too many fruits/vegetables and fiber

too many calories and solid fat

too few calories

too many fruits/vegetables and whole grains

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Question 81 pts

Which of the following is a convenient way to determine appropriate portion sizes and avoid consuming extra calories?

Group of answer choices

your hand and your foot

whatever you are served is the correct portion size

your hand

your foot

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Question 91 pts

Food labels list ingredients in:

Group of answer choices

manufacturers are not required to list ingredients

ascending order if predominance (by weight)

alphabetical order

descending order of predominance (by weight)

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Question 101 pts

A statement linking the nutritional profile of a food to a reduced risk of a particular disease is known as a:

Group of answer choices

nutrient content claim

composition claim

disease reducer

health claim


Expert Solution

Q1. A healthful diet can be described by which of the following?

Healthful diet is defined as a diet which is nutrition denser, eating in right amount and from all major group of food pyramid.

a. think outside the bun" is not a possible answer this statement focus on lean food

it doesn’t describe the term healthful diet

b. variety, moderation, and physical activity is not a possible answer. Healthy diet contain variety, moderation but it doesn’t include physical exercise

c. eat good foods, stay away from bad foods is not a possible answer, eating specific good food makes you healthier but it doesn’t come under the category of healthful diet. It needs to balance with appropriate variety and modification.

d. balance, moderation, and variety is a possible answer, these 3 key element describe the healthful diet. Diet should contain variety, should be modified and food should be taken form major group that is balanced diet.

Q2. Nutrient density refers to foods that

It refers to a the nutrient concentration rather than calories.

a. are rich in protein is not a possible answer because it doesn’t contain only protein it contains all nutrient with lean protein.

b. are rich in nutrients but relatively low in calories is a possible. Nutrient density food has more nutrients per calories.

c. carry the USDA nutrition seal, is not the possible answer because USDA provide organic seal which is meaning of it is free from chemical. This seal doesn’t explain that is have high nutrition per calories.

d. contain a mixture of carbohydrate, protein, and fat is not a possible answer because it not only mixture of these product but it also contains essential micro- Marco nutrient. Nutrition density food are low in sugar, starch, bad fat etc.

Q3. The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for nutrients are generally:

It is defined as to asses, plan and evaluate the nutritional intake of healthy people.

a. the same for all ages for all nutrients is not a possible answer, because nutrition intake is not same for all ages. It changes as age progress.

b. the minimum amounts that average people need is not a possible answer because it a part of its RDA but it not doesn’t explain DRI.

c. designed to prevent deficiency disease in half the population is a possible answer by assessing diet of a person planning for prevent of deficiency of disease helpful.

d. designed to be adequate for almost all healthy people is a possible answer this option defined the DRI.

Q4. When it comes to nutrient intake:

a. it does not matter as long as a person gets enough protein, is not a possible answer. Protein help in tissue building but other function is performed by essential nutrients which are important for body growth.

b. more is better-it not a possible answer, nutrient intake should be done in a well balance manner, anything more than normal harms body.

c. too much can be dangerous, high dose nutrient can toxic to body and may have adverse side- effect. It is a possible answer.

Q5. Which of the following describes an action that applies to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

a. switch to fat-free or low fat (1% milk) this option includes in the dietary guidelines

b. all of these apply is a possible answer

c. enjoy your food, but eat less this point included in dietary guidelines

d. avoid oversized, supersized portions this point included in dietary guidlines.

Q7. Typical American diet: are 50% carbohydrate, 35% fat and 15%protein

a. too many fruits/vegetables and fiber- is not a possible answer because ¾ of population each less vegetable and fruit

b. too many calories and solid fat- is a possible answer, American consume daily of their calories from sugar.

c. too few calories- is not a possible answer because their diet have high sugary content and beverages which are high in calories.

d. too many fruits/vegetables and whole grains- is not possible answer.

Q8. Which of the following is a convenient way to determine appropriate portion sizes and avoid consuming extra calories?

a. your hand and your foot is not a possible answer, hand is usually for measurement of food but foot doesn’t it is not able to hold food for measurement,

b. whatever you are served is the correct portion size is not a possible answer because serving can be rich of extra calories, measure your food to prevent obesity.

c. your hand is a possible answer measure food with hand, hand is typically according to our body size help in prevention of over consumption.

d. your foot is not a possible answer, it can’t measure food proportion

Q9. Food labels list ingredients in:

a. manufacturers are not required to list ingredients is not possible answer, ingredient are necessary to know rule out any allergen content.

b. ascending order if predominance (by weight) is not a possible answer, label is usually in descending order

c. alphabetical order is not a possible answer. Ingredients are included in predominance manner.

d. descending order of predominance (by weight) is a possible answer, it indicate the first ingredient is used in large quantity and last one is least quantity

due to time contrain, only 2 question left, post a quetion it will be answerd by any expert


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