Discuss the main benefits of deploying QNX Operating Systems for applications.
In: Computer Science
What single query can get data from 4 tables , using SUM or COUNT
In: Computer Science
Write a C++ programs to:
1. Create a class called Student with four (4) private member
variables, name (string), quiz, midterm, final (all
double type);
2. Include all necessary member functions for this class (at least
1 constructor, 1 get function, and 1 grading
function – see #6);
3. Declare three (3) objects of Student type (individual or
4. Read from the keyboard three (3) sets of values of name, quiz,
midterm, final and assign them to each object;
5. Using the object’s member function to calculate the grade for
each student (grade = quiz * 0.2 + midterm * 0.4 +
final * 0.4)
6. Display on the screen only the name of each student and the
In: Computer Science
This requirement can be met by using generic data, the correct mysql coding of script is more important than the data.
SQL scripts that return data from your database that has already had some processing done to it. Your task is to create these scripts that use built-in SQL functions to return the required data.
1. Create a query for the office table that returns the first 15 characters of the office name, the last two digits of the zip code, and all of the characters before the at sign "@" in the email address. All leading and trailing and trailing spaces must be removed and all data must be returned in upper case.
2. Create a query for the clients table that returns email address but add "mailto:" to the front of the email address, and returns the number of characters of the email address before adding "mailto:" in front of it. All leading and trailing and trailing spaces must be removed and all data must be returned in lower case.
3. Create a query for the listings table that returns listing price in whole dollars only without the cents. Also include the address, city, state, and zip code with each record in the result set. All leading and trailing and trailing spaces must be removed and all data must be returned in upper case.
4. Create a single query that returns the "current" day of the month, month, year, hour, minute, day of the week, quarter of the year, day of the year, and week of the year. Each item should be in a different column and the date must come from the system's clock and not hard coded.
5. Create a query for the contacts table that returns the number of days from the current system date and the "next contact date plus 30 days". Also include the client key and agent key for each record in the result set.
6. Create a query for the listings table that returns "Under $500,000" if the listing price is under $500,000 and "Over $500,000" if the listing price is $500,000 or more. Also include the address, city, state, and zip code with each record in the result set. All leading and trailing and trailing spaces must be removed and all data must be returned in upper case.
In: Computer Science
Using c++ to find all the peaks elements in a 2d array, each element has eight neighbours
In: Computer Science
JAVA (Tree height)
Define a new class named BSTWithHeight that extends BST with the following method:
/** Return the height of this binary tree */
public int height()
Class Name: Exercise25_01
In: Computer Science
In Java please:
2) Part 2: Add a blankPos field
Dear Developer, It seems an overzealous programmer tried to create
a Fibonacci slider puzzle from our old code. This brought up the
fact there is a data integrity issue in our SlidingSquarePuzzle
class. It makes sense because the class’s data only consists of an
int[]. Since, you are new this is a good opportunity to get your
feet wet. I want you to change the offending code and help shore up
our security hole. I’ve attached their Driver and the GUI and
SlidingSquarePuzzle files. I’ve also commented out the offending
code. Sincerely, Your Boss P.S. You might as well include some
documentation while you’re at it. It’s been bugging me for the
longest time.
Part 2: Add a blankPos field
1. This replaces the blankPos field in GUI.
2. Add a field called blankPos. Initialize it in the Constructors.
3. Add a getter for blankPos.
4. Add a private update method for blankPos. This will be called anytime tileList changes.
5. Replace blankPos for ssp.getBlankPos().
6. Delete old code: a. For-loop from the newGame method in GUI
b. blankPos = newBlankPos; & ssp.getTileList()[blankPos] = 0; from the if (direction != 0) inside the GUI constructor.
public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { //change this number to how many tiles you want int numberOfTiles = 9; SlidingSquarePuzzle fibonaciSlider = new SlidingSquarePuzzle(numberOfTiles); // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[0] = 1; // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[1] = 1; // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[2] = 2; // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[3] = 3; // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[4] = 5; // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[5] = 8; // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[6] = 13; // fibonaciSlider.getTileList()[7] = 21; GUI.init(fibonaciSlider); } }
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class GUI extends JPanel { private SlidingSquarePuzzle ssp; private final int sideLength; private final int tileSize; private int blankPos; private final int margin; private final int gridSize; private boolean gameOver; private GUI(SlidingSquarePuzzle ssp) { this.ssp = ssp; sideLength = (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(ssp.getTileList().length)); final int resolution = 640; margin = 40; tileSize = (resolution - 2 * margin) / sideLength; gridSize = tileSize * sideLength; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(resolution, resolution + margin)); setBackground(Color.WHITE); setForeground(new Color(0x006940)); setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 60)); gameOver = true; addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (gameOver) { newGame(); } else { int ex = e.getX() - margin; int ey = e.getY() - margin; if (ex < 0 || ex > gridSize || ey < 0 || ey > gridSize) return; int clickX = ex / tileSize; int clickY = ey / tileSize; int blankX = blankPos % sideLength; int blankY = blankPos / sideLength; int clickPos = clickY * sideLength + clickX; int direction = 0; if (clickX == blankX && Math.abs(clickY - blankY) > 0) { direction = (clickY - blankY) > 0 ? sideLength : -sideLength; } else if (clickY == blankY && Math.abs(clickX - blankX) > 0) { direction = (clickX - blankX) > 0 ? 1 : -1; } if (direction != 0) { do { int newBlankPos = blankPos + direction; ssp.getTileList()[blankPos] = ssp.getTileList()[newBlankPos]; blankPos = newBlankPos; } while (blankPos != clickPos); ssp.getTileList()[blankPos] = 0; } gameOver = ssp.isSolved(); } repaint(); } }); newGame(); } private void newGame() { ssp.shuffle(); gameOver = false; for (int i = 0; i < ssp.getTileList().length; i++) { if(ssp.getTileList()[i] != 0) continue; blankPos = i; break; } } private void drawGrid(Graphics2D g) { for (int i = 0; i < ssp.getTileList().length; i++) { int x = margin + (i % sideLength) * tileSize; int y = margin + (i / sideLength) * tileSize; if (ssp.getTileList()[i] == 0) { if (gameOver) { g.setColor(Color.GREEN); drawCenteredString(g, "\u2713", x, y); } continue; } g.setColor(getForeground()); g.fillRoundRect(x, y, tileSize, tileSize, 25, 25); g.setColor(Color.green.darker()); g.drawRoundRect(x, y, tileSize, tileSize, 25, 25); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); drawCenteredString(g, String.valueOf(ssp.getTileList()[i]), x, y); } } private void drawStartMessage(Graphics2D g) { if (gameOver) { g.setFont(getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 18)); g.setColor(getForeground()); String s = "click to start a new game"; int x = (getWidth() - g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(s)) / 2; int y = getHeight() - margin; g.drawString(s, x, y); } } private void drawCenteredString(Graphics2D g, String s, int x, int y) { FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int asc = fm.getAscent(); int des = fm.getDescent(); x = x + (tileSize - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2; y = y + (asc + (tileSize - (asc + des)) / 2); g.drawString(s, x, y); } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) { super.paintComponent(gg); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg; g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); drawGrid(g); drawStartMessage(g); } public static void init(SlidingSquarePuzzle ssp) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setTitle("Slidng Square Puzzle"); f.setResizable(false); f.add(new GUI(ssp), BorderLayout.CENTER); f.pack(); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setVisible(true); }); } }
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; public class SlidingSquarePuzzle { private int [] tileList; public SlidingSquarePuzzle() { this(16); } public SlidingSquarePuzzle(int size) { tileList = size < 4 ? new int[4] : new int[(int) Math.pow(Math.floor(Math.sqrt(size)), 2)]; solve(); } public int[] getTileList() { return tileList; } public void solve() { for(int i = 0; i < tileList.length - 1; i++) { tileList[i] = i + 1; } } public boolean isSolved() { for(int i = 0; i < tileList.length - 1; i++) if (tileList[i] != i + 1) return false; return true; } /* * This looks at the puzzle and checks if it is solvable */ private boolean isSolvable() { int inversions = 0; int m = (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(tileList.length)); for(int i = 0; i < tileList.length; i++) for(int j = i + 1; j < tileList.length; j++) { if(tileList[i] == 0 || tileList[j] == 0) continue; if (tileList[j] < tileList[i]) inversions++; } if(m % 2 == 1) return inversions % 2 == 0; else { int blankIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < tileList.length; i++) if(tileList[i] == 0 ) { blankIndex = i; break; } if((blankIndex / m) % 2 == 0) return inversions % 2 == 1; else return inversions % 2 == 0; } } public void shuffle() { Random rand = new Random(); do { for(int i = tileList.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { int j = rand.nextInt(i + 1); int temp = tileList[j]; tileList[j] = tileList[i]; tileList[i] = temp; } }while(!this.isSolvable()); } }
In: Computer Science
Compare and contrast different storage configuration such as RAID 0, 1, 5, and 6 (and JBOD).
In: Computer Science
(Test perfect binary tree)
A perfect binary tree is a complete binary tree with all levels fully filled. Define a new class named BSTWithTestPerfect that extends BST with the following methods:
(Hint: The number of nodes in a perfect binary tree is 2^(height+1) - 1.)
/** Returns true if the tree is a perfect binary tree */ public boolean isPerfectBST()
Class Name: Exercise25_03
In: Computer Science
Q4. Name three areas in which you can increase the availability of a SCADA system by introducing redundancy into the design of the system.
In: Computer Science
What is the basic formula for risk analysis? Apply it to a specific risk. You may make up the numbers involved.
In: Computer Science
Write a research paper of 3- 4 pages minimum APA style on the comparison of Concurrency Mechanisms in Windsows10, Linux, and Andriod.
In: Computer Science
What is it called when a malicious program obtains access to an otherwise inaccessible functionality?
In: Computer Science
What are all the open ports on this target host: scanme.nmap.org? List numerically, separated by commas.
In: Computer Science
ONLY IN JAVAFX. The application will calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) for people. It must be able to accept as input weights (in pounds or kilos), and height (in inches or centimeters). The application should have a calculate button, and should display the result as well as if the data puts the person in one of 4 categories underweight ( BMI < 18.5) , normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9), overweight (BMI 25.0 - 29.9) or overweight (BMI > 30)
In: Computer Science