what are the different types of WebGL primitives? explain in details each one of them

what are the different types of WebGL primitives? explain in details each one of them

In: Computer Science

#include <cstring> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {        const int...

#include <cstring>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    const int SIZE = 20;
    char str[SIZE];
    char str1[SIZE];
    int n;
    int k =1;
    printf("Enter a word: \n");
    printf("Enter another word: \n");
    if (str1[strlen(str1) - 1] == '\n')
        str1[strlen(str1)-1] = '\0';
    if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n')
        str[strlen(str)-1] = '\0';
    printf("Enter a number between 1 and 20: \n");
    strcat(str, " ");
    strncat(str, str1,n);
    printf("%s", str);
    str[0] = toupper(str[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < strlen(str); i++)
        str[i] = tolower(str[i]);
        if(str[i-1] == ' ')
            str[i]= toupper(str[i]);
    for (int j = 1; j < strlen(str); j ++)
        for (int i = 1; i < strlen(str); i++)
           // if(str[i]!= '\0')
                if(!strstr(str, "here"))
    cout << "Found "<< k << " words 'here' in: \n" << str;
    return 0;


so im practicing working on c++ with c-strings and i when i compile and run this, at the end the loop iterates one time for the entire length of the cstring and i cannot figure out how to end it after finding the 'k' amount of times the word "here" is in the string.

In: Computer Science

Python Coding Question (Data Science) Hello I am having difficulty writing a code in python to...

Python Coding Question (Data Science)

Hello I am having difficulty writing a code in python to do a specific task. I have two text files, Positive.txt and Practice_forhw1.txt. I want to write a script that will check if any words in Practice_forhw1.txt match any of the words in Positive.txt then the word would get replaced with a "+1" in the Practice_forhw1.txt and then print out the Practice_forhw1.txt.  (i.e if the word "happy" is in both Positive.txt and Practice_forhw1.txt then I want the word "happy" to get replaced with a +1 in the Practice_forhw1.txt file.

My poor attempt below:

pos_file = open("Positive.txt", 'r')
#positive words are now in a list
pos_list = pos_file.readlines()
p_file = open("Practice_forhw1.txt", 'r')
p_list = p_file.readlines()

for word in p_list:
if word in p_list == word in pos_list:
word = word.replace(word, '+1')
print (word)

In: Computer Science

Using the Boyer-Moore algorithm, find the Bad Match table for the below patterns. Pattern1: AABCACCCA Pattern...

Using the Boyer-Moore algorithm, find the Bad Match table for the below patterns.


Pattern 2: CCCAAABBD


Pattern4: BSDGSBAA

In: Computer Science

Need this in C++ // Start // Declarations // InputFile masterFile; // InputFile transactionFile; // OutputFile...

Need this in C++

// Start

// Declarations

// InputFile masterFile;

// InputFile transactionFile;

// OutputFile newMasterFile;

// num mClientNumber, mtotalClientCost, tClientNumber, titemClientCost

// string mClientfName, mClientlName// output "Master File Updating Starting"

// open masterFile "Master.rtf"

// open transactionFile "Transaction.rtf"

// open newMasterFile "newMaster.rtf"

// read mClientNumber, mClientfName, mClientlName, mtotalClientCost from masterFile

// read tClientNumber, titemClientCost from transactionFile

// while ( transactionFile not EOF )

// while (( masterFile not EOF) and (mClientNumber < tClientNumber))

// output mClientNumber, mClientfName, mClientlName, mtotalClientCost to newMasterFile

// read mClientNumber, mClientfName, mClientlName, mtotalClientCost from masterFile

// endwhile

// if (masterFile is EOF)

// output "Error Client ID: ", tClientNumber, " not in Master File."

// else if (mClientNumber == tClientNumber) then

// mtotalClientCost = mtotalClientCost + titemClientCost

// output mClientNumber, mClientfName, mClientlName, mtotalClientCost to newMasterFile

// read mClientNumber, mClientfName, mClientlName, mtotalClientCost from masterFile

// else if (mClientNumber > tClientNumber) then

// output "Error Client ID: ", tClientNumber, " not in Master File."

// endif

// read tClientNumber, titemClientCost from transactionFile

// endwhile

// while (masterFile not EOF)

// output mClientNumber, mClientfName, mClientlName, mtotalClientCost to newMasterFile

// read mClientNumber, mClientfName, mClientlName, mtotalClientCost from masterFile

// endwhile

// output "Master File Updating Complete"

// close masterFile

// close transactionFile

// close newMasterFile

// Stop

In: Computer Science

Write an HTML file that create the following web page. my first nested list steps of...

Write an HTML file that create the following web page.

my first nested list

steps of backing a cake

Important notes:

  1. You should have to copy and paste the “HTML script” as your answer for this question. DON’T take screen shot for your HTML script. It must be editable script.
  2. Take a screen shot for your output web page and paste it as a part of your answer.

In: Computer Science

Consider the TA assignment problem where n Teaching Assistants (TAs) are to be assigned to n...

Consider the TA assignment problem where n Teaching Assistants
(TAs) are to be assigned to n courses with one course having exactly
one TA. Each course ranks all of the TAs, and each TA ranks all the
courses, from most to least desirable.
Can you provide an example of an assignment and preference lists such
that every TA and course forms an unstable pair? (Yes/No). If Yes,
present the assignment. If No, justify your answer.
note: gale shapley algorithm

In: Computer Science

Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU-burst time given in milliseconds,...

Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU-burst time given in milliseconds, and the priority given in integers (lower numbers represent higher priorities) :

    Process Arrival Time Burst Time priority   

      P1                             0 17 2

      P2 5 8 3

      P3 7 11 1

a. Draw Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these processes using nonpreemptive priority and preemptive priority, and Round Robins scheduling (time quantum = 4 ms).

b. What is the turnaround time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms in part a?

In: Computer Science

java.applet java.awt java.awt.event java.swimg.JOptionPane Make a JAVA program decisional structure, message box, matching box, number format....


Make a JAVA program decisional structure, message box, matching box, number format.
Entry of Data:
Customer Name
Customer Number
Discount: New Customer 10% Existing Customer 5%
Registration: Daily $5 Weekly $20 Monthly $40 Annual $80
Calculate in a function the cost of registration according to the discount and type of registration
You must display the cost and a message box showing the selected alternatives; the result boxes must be visible when the button is pressed and cannot be altered. You must contemplate the different errors, use " try and catch". Create color and apply to the form.
Add button to clear text boxes and variables.

In: Computer Science

SHOW WORK Sort the given keys using Counting sort algorithm. Also write the algorithm.          5, 2,...


Sort the given keys using Counting sort algorithm. Also write the algorithm.

         5, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 5, 0                                                                 


In: Computer Science

BOVOU PWN <?php echo Hello World!; 77

BOVOU PWN <?php echo Hello World!; 77

In: Computer Science

(Java Programming Problem) Build two ArrayList lists from the Integer and String type arrays, populate the...

(Java Programming Problem)

Build two ArrayList lists from the Integer and String type arrays, populate the lists with repeats (see example below). Write a generic method (removeDuplicates( ….. )) to remove those duplicate items and returns an ArrayList<E> list without duplicates.

Original Integer List: [14, 24, 14, 42, 24, 25, 25, 23]

No-Duplicate List: [14, 24, 42, 25, 23]

Same generic method for the name list

Original List: [Mike, Lara, Jenny, Lara, Jared, Jonny, Lindsey, Mike, Jared]

No-Duplicate List: [Mike, Lara, Jenny, Jared, Jonny, Lindsey]

In: Computer Science

1. Write CREAT TABLE statements for the following tables (primary keys are underlined, foreign keys are...

1. Write CREAT TABLE statements for the following tables (primary keys are underlined, foreign keys are in italic and bold). Make sure you have all needed constraints and appropriate datatypes for attributes:

Student (stID, stName, dateOfBirth, advID, majorName, GPA)

Advisor (advID, advName, specialty)

2.  Insert several records in each table.

In: Computer Science

In Java, I need a program that will ask a user to input how many tests...

In Java, I need a program that will ask a user to input how many tests they want the average of. For example, It needs to ask the user how many tests would you like the average of? When the user enters the amount of tests they want the average score of, the program needs to give them that many test scores to input. Then with the average, determine what their grade is, if 90-100=A if 80-90 = B etc. Java and please explain.

In: Computer Science

Use C++ The ADT UnsortedType List function ‘DeleteItem(ItemType item)’ creates an endless loop error when trying...

Use C++

The ADT UnsortedType List function ‘DeleteItem(ItemType item)’ creates an endless loop error when trying to delete a word or key that is not in the list.

Example: Delete the word “letter” from the unsorted list.

Here are the lists contents before the DeleteItem(ItemType item) call:

super     formula travel     free        thick      Josephine            Clara      education

The question is ‘how can I exit gracefully from the DeleteItem(itemType Item) call when the word or key is not in the unsorted list and not get an endless loop but instead printing out a message that the word ‘letter’ is not in the loop? What code can be added?

void UnsortedType::DeleteItem(ItemType item)


NodeType* location;

NodeType* tempLocation;

location = listData;

if (item.ComparedTo(location->info) == EQUAL)


    tempLocation = location;

    listData = listData->next;




    while (!((item.ComparedTo((location->next)->info) == EQUAL)))

      location = location->next;

    tempLocation = location->next;

    location->next = (location->next)->next;


delete tempLocation;



In: Computer Science