
In: Economics

(Political Science) A5 Hi, The purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches...

(Political Science) A5

Hi, The purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. Complete a research essay on the government and national security. Remember this is being written for the president to read. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay: Identify a current issue being debated about American national security. Explain two competing solutions to this problem. Evaluate which one is preferable. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government). Address the responsibilities of each of the three branches of the federal government. Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings.The inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution.


Expert Solution

Answer-The latest healthcare crisis is the opioid crisis that the president Donald Trump promises to end during his campaign. Opioid s is substances that are used to realize morphine like effect. They are used medically for pain and abused by people addicted to it. Last month the president announced members of new bipartisan commission on the opioid crisis. However, even after his election to the presidency the president has not done much against the crisis and some health advocates feels that it is time for action and no more study on the same as they felt that the commission has been redundant.

The two competing solutions on the substance abuse were one to create awareness and convince people that the drug causes addiction so as to scare them away from abusing it and two was to emphasize prevention – which means avoiding the drug all together. Among these competing solutions emphasize on prevention is most preferred. Research shows that in countries where drugs and substance use are illegal they are most abused. For instance in the US alcohol is more abused despite it being restricted compared to the United Kingdom.

In the United States constitution the government has various branches to ensure that no branch gains too much power and control. The federal government is divided into the following branches:

·      The Legislative- makes laws

·      The Executive-carries the laws

·      Judicial –Evaluates law

Legislative Branch

This authoritative Branch orders enactment, affirms or rejects Presidential arrangements, and has the specialist to proclaim war.

This branch incorporates Congress (the Senate and House of Representatives) and a few organizations that offer help administrations to Congress. American natives have the privilege to vote in favor of Senators and Representatives through free, private votes.

Senate – There are two chosen Senators for each state, totaling 100 Senators. A Senate expression is six years and there is no restriction to the quantity of terms an individual can serve.

House of Representatives – There are 435 chosen Representatives, which are partitioned among the 50 states in extent to their aggregate populace. There are extra non-voting delegates who speak to the District of Columbia and the domains. A Representative serves a two-year term, and there is no restriction to the quantity of terms an individual can serve.

Executive branch

The official branch completes and upholds laws. It incorporates the President, Vice President, the Cabinet, official offices, autonomous offices, and different sheets, commissions, and boards.

American residents have the privilege to vote in favor of the President and Vice President through free, secret polls.

Judicial Branch

The legal branch deciphers the importance of laws, applies laws to individual cases, and chooses if laws abuse the Constitution. It's involved the Supreme Court and other government courts.

·      Preeminent Court – The Supreme Court is the most noteworthy court in the United Statet and must be affirmed by the Senate.

·      The court is included nine individuals — a Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. At present, there is one Associate Justice Opportunity. A base or majority of six judges is required to choose a case.

           In the event that there is a considerably number of Justices and a case brings about a tie, the   lower court's choice stands.

         There is no settled term for Justices. They serve until their demise, retirement, or expulsion in extraordinary conditions.

·      Other government courts – The Constitution awards Congress the specialist to build up other elected courts.

The state level

The states are in charge of the considerable number of ranges not recorded as government duties. In any case, regularly both levels of government are included and the government will offer cash to the states to do their projects. State governments get subsidizing from various sources including income from the elected Goods and Services Tax and state-based expenses, imposes and charges.

State governments are in charge of instruction, wellbeing, the earth, transport, open works, essential businesses, mechanical relations, group administrations, game anay.d entertainment, buyer issues, police administrations, penitentiaries, and water – to give some examples. That implies at whatever point you go to healing center or a cop in your group makes a move against somebody infringing upon the law, your state government is grinding aw

Local leve

The local government is in some cases called "grassroots" government since it is worried with matters up close and personal. The basic leadership body at a nearby level is known as the board. Agents who are chosen to that committee are called Councilors and the pioneer is known as the Mayor. The chamber makes nearby laws that reflect group needs and guarantees they can represent their range. Neighborhood laws can contrast between nearby governments. These laws must be endorsed by the State Parliament, since shires and boards are made by the State Parliaments, and they choose what obligations the chambers will perform. The chamber pays for its administrations with state and government financing and furthermore with charges, (for example, rates, licenses and allow expenses) that it gathers from individuals who claim arrive in the neighborhood. What does Local Government do? By and large, the neighborhood gathering takes care of the parts of the nearby group that are open property, for example, neighborhood streets and stops.

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