
In: Biology

Why is it that rainbows always show up with red on the outside of the arc...

Why is it that rainbows always show up with red on the outside of the arc and blue on the inside? Can you have a rainbow with its colors reversed?


Expert Solution


  • Oftenly, a rainbow seems like a circular arc in the sky.
  • From the ground only a half circle of color is oberved with red being the color visible at the outer side and blue is the color of inner side.
  • Formtion of circle (or half-circle) occurs because of the presence of a collection of suspened droplets in the environment .
  • These droplets can concentrate the dispersed light at an angles of deviation of approx. 40-42 degrees with respect to the original light path from the sun.
  • In general, a circular arc is formed by these droplets and every droplets inside the arc disperse light and reflect it back to the observer.
  • Within the arc, each droplet refrect and disperse the entire spectrum of visible lights.
  • Refraction of red light out of a droplet happens at a steeper angles then the blue light relative to ground.
  • Thus, upon observation at a steeper angle with respect to ground, red light is refrected to the eyes of observer by these water droplets within this line of sight.
  • Refrection of blue light happens at a less steeper angle and is moved along a trajectory passing over the head of observer.
  • Thus, red light is visible at the top upon looking at a steeper angle while looking at a less steep angle showes blue light on the bottom.
  • This is why, in a rainbow, at the top and on the outer side of rainbow red color is seen where as blue color is observed on the bottom and the inner side of rainbow.
  • Occurance of secondary rainbow is a rare instance where colors appear in the reverse order.
  • Secondary rainbow is formed when reflection of light occurs twice inside the raindrop.
  • Since, second reflection is seen upside down, so that is why colors are reversed in the secondary rainbow.

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