Conducting monetary policy by the rule or by the discretion has
pros and cons. What are pros and cons of conducting monetary policy
via rules and discretions?
What are the pros and cons of using technology and quantitative
data to trace, monitor, and address human rights violations?
Overall, do you think that the pros outweigh the cons or not? Why?
Use specific examples from the slides and the book.
Answer this prompt in at least two or three paragraphs, clearly
stating your argument and supporting the argument with
1. What are the pros and cons of using Instagram as a platform
for children, siblings, etc. who have additional needs?
2. Do you thing it is okay to post pictures about the daily
lives of these children with additional needs? what are some
potential problems with this?
What are the pros and cons of using GDP as a measure an
economy’s output performance and as a measure of its standard of
living. Please give several examples.