The prevalence of coronavirus in the NYC Regional Health System
for the month of January-----
The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a
- That same day, the first confirmed COVID-19–associated fatality
occurred in New York City (NYC)- To identify confirmed
COVID-19–associated deaths, defined as those occurring in persons
with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, on JANUARY, 2020,
the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
initiated a daily match between all deaths reported to the DOHMH
electronic vital registry system.
- Laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19. Deaths for which
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, or an equivalent term is listed on the death
certificate as an immediate, underlying, or contributing cause of
death, but that do not have laboratory-confirmation of COVID-19 are
classified as probable COVID-19–associated deaths. As of May 2, a
total of 13,831 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19–associated deaths,
and 5,048 probable COVID-19–associated deaths were recorded in
- The counting of confirmed and probable COVID-19–associated
deaths might not include deaths among persons with SARS-CoV-2
infection who did not access diagnostic testing, tested falsely
negative, or became infected after testing negative, died outside
of a health care setting, or for whom COVID-19 was not suspected by
a health care provider as a cause of death. The
objective of this report is to provide an estimate of all-cause
excess deaths that have occurred in NYC in the setting of
widespread community transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
- public health emergencies
- DOHMH has developed an electronic vital statistics reporting
system that provides a near complete count of all deaths that occur
in NYC.
- The true number of people with COVID-19 could be up to 100
times higher than confirmed cases.
- Testing a random sample of 5,000 people could predict the
prevalence of coronavirus.
- Wider testing to identify immunity could lead to less
restrictive social distancing measures.