
In: Biology

Quiz 2 Hippocrates Thomas Sydenham James Lind Benjamin Jesty Edward Jenner Ignaz Semmelweis John Snow Louis...

Quiz 2


Thomas Sydenham

James Lind

Benjamin Jesty

Edward Jenner

Ignaz Semmelweis

John Snow

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

John Graunt

William Farr

Bernardino Ramazzini

Edgar Sydenstricker

Doll and Hill

Florence Nightingale

Janet Lane-Claypon

Alice Hamilton

Wade Hampton Frost

Identified various modes of transmission and incubation times for cholera

B. Provided classifications of morbidity statistics to improve the value of morbidity information

C. Observed in the 17th century that certain jobs carried a high risk for disease

D. Introduced the words "epidemic" and "endemic"

E. Advanced useful treatments and remedies including exercise, fresh air, and a healthy diet, which other physicians rejected at the time

F. Through an experimental study, showed that lemons and oranges were protective against scurvy

G. Invented a vaccination for smallpox

H. The father of modern epidemiology

I. Used data as a tool for improving city and military hospitals

J. Conducted the first cohort study investigating the association between smoking and lung cancer

K. Promoted the idea that some diseases, especially chronic diseases, can have a multifactorial etiology

L. Observed that milkmaids did not get smallpox, but did get cowpox

M. Developed a vaccine for anthrax

N. Pioneered the use of cohort and case-control studies to identify risk factors for breast cancer

0. A pioneer in the field of toxicology

P. Credited for producing the first life table

Q. Used photography to take the first pictures of microbes in order to show the world that microorganisms in fact existed and that they caused many diseases

R. A statistician who was a pioneer in developing the theory of epidemiologic study design and causal inference

S. Discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever could be drastically cut by the use of hand washing standards in obstetrical clinics

2. List some of the contributions of the microscope to epidemiology.

3. What two individuals contributed to the birth of vital statistics?

What type of epidemiologic study was used by James Lind?

5. What types of epidemiologic studies were used by Doll and Hill?


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A. John Snow identified various modes of transmission and incubation times for cholera

B. Edgar Sydenstricker provided classifications of morbidity statistics to improve the value of morbidity information

C. Bernardino Ramazzini observed in the 17th century that certain jobs carried a high risk for disease

D. Hippocrates introduced the words "epidemic" and "endemic"

E. Thomas Sydenham advanced useful treatments and remedies including exercise, fresh air, and a healthy diet, which other physicians rejected at the time

F. James Lind through an experimental study showed that lemons and oranges were protective against scurvy

G. Edward Jenner invented vaccination for smallpox

H. Wade Hampton Frost the father of modern epidemiology

I. Florence Nightingale used data as a tool for improving city and military hospitals

J. Doll and Hill conducted the first cohort study investigating the association between smoking and lung cancer

K. William Farr promoted the idea that some diseases, especially chronic diseases, can have a multifactorial etiology

L. Benjamin Jesty observed that milkmaids did not get smallpox, but did get cowpox

M. Louis Pasteur developed a vaccine for anthrax

N. Janet Lane-Claypon pioneered the use of cohort and case-control studies to identify risk factors for breast cancer

0. Alice Hamilton a pioneer in the field of toxicology

P. John Graunt credited for producing the first life table

Q. Robert Koch used photography to take the first pictures of microbes in order to show the world that microorganisms in fact existed and that they caused many diseases

R. Wade Hampton Frost a statistician who was a pioneer in developing the theory of epidemiologic study design and causal inference

S. Ignaz Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever could be drastically cut by the use of handwashing standards in obstetrical clinics

2. Leeuwenhoek was the first one to apply the microscope to epidemiology. He studied the morphology of red corpuscles found in the blood. His discovery of animalcules also contributed to epidemiology. The microscope made the development of histology possible, which contributed to epidemiology.

3. John Graunt and William Farr contributed to the birth of vital statistics.

4. James Lind used experimental designs and clinical studies to find the answer to classical epidemiologic problems. He also studied the effect of diet and population changes on the disease.

5. Doll and Hill used case-control and cohort study designs for epidemiologic studies.

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