The world bank and the IMF international monetary fund are
institutes in the united nations system. they aim at raising the
living standanrds of their memebr countries. the imf focuses on
macroeconomic issues and the world bank focuses on long term
economic developement and poverty reduction.
- their main aim is to establish a framework for development and
economic cooperation
- the imf provides policy advice and development support to the
- helps make loans also solves balance of payments problems
the world bank
- promotes long term development and poverty reduction by
providing technical and financial support
- it is funded by the member country contribution and bound
the imf and the world bank provide financial support and
assistance to fellow countries by applying a neoliberal ideology,
an agenda as a precondition of receiving money
- for structural adjustments export oriented markets are
- minimised role of the state
- privatisation is encouraged
- to attarct foreign investors
- adjusments like currency devaluation, fluctuation of interest.
rates,flexibility of labor market
- the precondition make the matters worse for the developing
countries and the poor countries where they are compiled to expoert
more to meet the debt,price wars since resources from pooere
countries become even more cheaper
- there is high dependency of the member countires on the imf and
world bank
- a healthy open trading system is crucial for developemt
- developing countries can reform their policies and achieve
rapid economic growth and strengthen the economy
- nations should be required to provide evidence of internal
change before seeking financial assistance from outsiders in order
to have a claer view and get proper guidance to reform the issues
sothat the fianacial dependency would not be so high and may be the
soluction could lie within and only by following the strategies of
the developed nations economic growth could be attained without
mcuh helpfrom the finanacial organisations