
In: Economics

25) Consider the following one-period, closed-economy model. Utility function over consumption (C) and leisure (L) U(C,L)...

25) Consider the following one-period, closed-economy model. Utility function over consumption (C) and leisure (L) U(C,L) = C 1/2 L 1/2 Total hours: H = 40 Labour hours: N S = H – L Government expenditure = 30 Lump-sum tax = T Production function: Y = zN D Total factor productivity: z = 2 The representative consumer maximizes utility, the representative firm maximizes profit, and the government balances budget. Suppose there is an increase in total factor productivity, z, to 3. What are the substitution and income effects of this price change on C, L, and N S ?


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In the consumption/leisure model, let the consumer’s utility function be U(C,l)=C.25+l.25. Suppose Pc=$1 and w1=$10 determine the optimal amount of C and L and the equation for the labor supply.
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