In: Nursing
Qualitative data has been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. In what ways could a researcher manage and organize the data?
Qualitative Data Analysis(QDA) is the range of processes and
procedures where by we move from the qualitative data that have
been collected into some form of explanation,understanding or
interpretation of the people and situation we are investigating.
QDA is uaually based on an interpretative Philosophy.
The goal of qualitative data management and analysis is to
order,structure and giving meaning to collected data that assigned
participants to represents beliefs and experiences-such as
employment's effect on happiness,most enjoyable job or past
professional training.
There are 7 steps to managing Qualitative Databases:-
1, Keeping copies of important information.A data
management system should also be backed up and backups updated as
data preparation and analysis proceeds.
2, Arranging field notes or researcher commentary in a
chronological,genre,cast-of-charecters,event or activity,topical or
qualitative data file schema.
3, Creating a system for labelling and storing
4, Catalogical all documents and artifacts.
5, Providing for the safe storage of all meterials.
6, Checking for missing data.
7, Developing a process for reading and reviewing text.
Organizing data:
It is important to keep your evaluation information organized.
you may need database or spreadsheet to organize your data.
Tips for designing database include:-
-- Assign a unique identifier to each individual in
your dataset.
-- Include all information about an individual in one
row of your database.
-- Limit responses so that incorrect information cannot be
-- Code text responses into numerical form so that they are
easier to analyze.(e.g, 1=yes, 2= no)
-- Enter data in a consistent format.