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please providde answers for these questions. each one saparelty Chapter 12 Questions 1.Discuss informed consent and...

please providde answers for these questions. each one saparelty

Chapter 12 Questions

1.Discuss informed consent and how it applies the patient’s rights to self-de

2.Describe what information the patient should be provided prior to consenting to a recommended treatment. (LLO #1)

3.Describe how various codes of professional ethics address a patient’s right to informed consent and self-determination (LLO #1).

4.Explain and give examples of verbal, written, and implies consent. (LLO #1)

5.Describe the purpose of statutory consent. (LLO #1)

6. Describe under what circumstances statutory consent to treatment can be inferred. (LLO #1)

7. Discuss why it is important to assess a patient’s decision-making capacity. (LLO #1)

8. Describe what factors the courts could take into consideration when determining the adequacy of consent. (LLO #1)

9. Can a patient give consent and then withdraw it? Discuss your answer.

10. Explain why a patient has a right to refuse treatment. (LLO #1)


Expert Solution

Informed consent:
​ Good communication is essential between a doctor and a patient.
​1, One way to make sure accurate and complete information is communicated to a patient is through a system called informed consent.People have a right to know what their diagnosis is ,and the doctor generally cannot refain from advising them of the true nature of their condition. In plain language terms they can understand their medical condition and treament choices. Health care provider must treat them in a manner consistent with their declared wishes. Refusing a particular treatment their decision must be respected.
​2 , The patient must give an informed consent to the treatment.It means that particular patient must give permission before they receive any type of medical treatment.
3,    Respect for personal dignity and privacy during examination,treatment and procedures
​ --Informed consent
​    --Information regading cost of services
   --access to medical record.
​ --Information about their health care needs
​4,    Verbal consent is a oral consent.If the patient is a illiterate t odealing with forms,providing them with a form a sign is not adequate for informing them about the study.
​    Written consent is a nature of client's condition is obtained befor carrying out certain treatemnt with particular consideration and seeking their signature.
​ Implies consent as the granting of permission for health care without a formal agreement between patient and healthcare provider.
​5, Statutory form authorization to consent to healthcare for minor.Many states punish statutory rape under laws adderssing sexual assault,rape,unlawful knowledge of child.
​6, Certain circumstances make it impossible for a person to legally give consent.These circumstances usually involves cases in which a person is not mentally or physically capable of choosing whether to engage in sexual behavior.
​7, Understanding relivent information about proposed diagnostic tests or treatment, appriciate their situation,use reason to make decisions,communicate their choices.
​8, Adequacy of consideration from both parties isneeded in order to form a contract which is valid and binding to the parties involved
​9, Yes, patient having their right choice to give consent and withdraw it befor it is to be approved..
​10, It is for the patient decide whether or not to receive medical treatemnt even if refusal means his or her life would be risk.It is the patient's right of self-determination...

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