
In: Economics

Find an article about the combination of e-commerce and some subject that interests you, outside of...

Find an article about the combination of e-commerce and some subject that interests you, outside of IT and preferably outside of your current employment. For example, you could search for "e-commerce scuba diving" or "e-commerce cats" or "e-commerce Disney World." Find an article that actually does talk about e-commerce and your subject (since your search may come up with some bizarre results), and write a paragraph summarizing the article as it relates to e-commerce. Make sure you include a link to the article.


Expert Solution

We have done the serarch for for "e-commerce scuba diving" and the article we talk about is –

E-Commerce Website Experiences Sales Growth

- Started as a retail store in 1990, is the world's largest online retailer of scuba diving and other underwater equipment. Notwithstanding its website, operates a retail dive center at its headquarters in Irvine, California, that is staffed by professionally trained diving teachers and features a state of-the-workmanship compressor room. The organization serves the needs of singular divers just as large associations, including NASA, CBS News, Sea World Orlando, the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, what's more, dozens of other aquariums the nation over

- When founders decided to transform their enthusiasm for scuba diving into a business 20 years prior, they opened a little scuba equipment and repair shop in Southern California.

- The organization experienced steady development, eventually expanding to several retail areas, however founders knew they could reach even more customers by selling items online.

- When they began to consider beginning a website in 1996, e-commerce was still very new, however we saw that it would have been the next huge thing

- SSL Certificates Company were additionally relatively new, yet founders believed that solid SSL security was an absolute necessity have for the organization's new site,

- As business owners, they believe in the in charge of the safety of customers' data, and it was simply not an alternative for them to compromise them. To protect customer information while helping to manufacture trust in Scuba.

- Founders and their team not just needed a SSL arrangement that delivered hearty, practical security, yet additionally a trusted SSL provider that could offer continuous expertise and backing to help ensure the organization's success selling online.

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